XBOX 360 Gamers


Well-Known Member
Been on a break from the box lately, but hit me up when COD4-2 comes out. I dare someone to challenge me, 1v1 or i get my niggas and we go 6v6!
havent played much xbox sense that brutal legend game came out i beat it in like 2 days it was kinda disipointing but like everyone else i too am waiting for modern warfare 2 to come out i hope my internet is fixed by then.
im down to play som cod i have world at war now and i will have mw2 if u want to play some time hit me up my gamertag is "shenegairson" i probably wont be online until mw2 comes out
im not the best cod player but i know what im doin
PS3 lags too much for my taste. My 360 has never lagged. 360FTW!!!

Shawtybangbang do you have a PS3 or 360? If you have a 360 you can hack it and play burned games. I havent purchased a real game in a minute. Im waiting for Modern Warfare 2 and left for dead 2.

Left for dead + ChemDogg = Owns all

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
PS3 lags too much for my taste. My 360 has never lagged. 360FTW!!!

Shawtybangbang do you have a PS3 or 360? If you have a 360 you can hack it and play burned games. I havent purchased a real game in a minute. Im waiting for Modern Warfare 2 and left for dead 2.

Left for dead + ChemDogg = Owns all

i really didnt like Left 4 Dead.. COD4MW is still my shit till MW2 comes out! .. with the Kush:leaf::-P:bigjoint: