XBOX360 or PS3?


Well-Known Member
I have both and at first perferd the Xbox, but now I mainly use the ps3 wile the Xbox collects dust.. Mainly because PSN is free, I also like the ps3 exclusives like grand trismo 5, god of war, uncharted 2 and killzone 3... I just picked up a second ps3 and got the 320gb model!! I never be able to use up all those GBs but I'll have fun trying.. Ps3 just seem to have more coming up for 2011, if you look at Xboxes 2011 exclusive line up its kinda pathetic


Well-Known Member
If your tv is 1080p blu ray is nice too,if it is 720p DVD look prittymuch the same as blu ray, on blu ray the colors seem more vivid and the picture is obviously sharper.. All these people saying blu ray is gimmicky or a cash grab for Hollywood probably don't have a 1080p big screen or some blu ray movie (older ones or remasters) arn't as good as others (like Avitar, looked great but didn't like the movie to si-fi for me)