Xenforo Updates 3.10.25

sweets there is also a link issue as well, as far as the twitter thing....

as you can see the twitter links aren't working to good, prior pages some show and some don't, just wanted to bring this to your attention....

nice update btw
sweets there is also a link issue as well, as far as the twitter thing....

View attachment 5456086
as you can see the twitter links aren't working to good, prior pages some show and some don't, just wanted to bring this to your attention....

nice update btw
I dont think we have control of that, thats really going to be on Twitters side,
but ill look into it
btw Twitter got hit by DDOS attack yesterday as well......fyi
that could also be it, but it might also be limited right , like theres 3 links there, maybe it will only show when its 1-2 ill dig further
that could also be it, but it might also be limited right , like theres 3 links there, maybe it will only show when its 1-2 ill dig further

could be, in the war page before that some links came in and some didn't......

and whom ever did that, they had a lot of actors and a lot of fire power to do that to twitter...js
idk...this is from the 30001 post in the war thread, i hit the link and it comes up on there side and not yours....

I was seeing 400's from things not originating from rollitup.org. Like google, twitter, and the ad something or other, were all returning 400's sporadically. Maybe related the above mentioned DDoS
I was seeing 400's from things not originating from rollitup.org. Like google, twitter, and the ad something or other, were all returning 400's sporadically. Maybe related the above mentioned DDoS

it could or it couldn't it's hard to say Dog.......just keep vigilant...
it could or it couldn't it's hard to say Dog.......just keep vigilant...
I only mention it because I was having intermittent page load failures on rollitup. Firefox has a tendency to do that when too many parallel requests fail. So I checked the network traffic, and it was only externals like I listed that were failing. Just another data point.
idk...this is from the 30001 post in the war thread, i hit the link and it comes up on there side and not yours....

View attachment 5456094
So some might work and some might not given that they had a DDOS attack right
It wouldn’t be rollitup who has to deal with this it’s on Twitter

Some of their links are going to be problematic on other sites given their current situation