Xoosa Ad


Well-Known Member
Whats with this new Xoosa ad? Lets get high and work together and you can make $23 an hour.

Tempting but clearly a scam of some sort.


Well-Known Member
its one of those sites that pays you small amounts of money for throwing your information out all over the web(surveys) so you can get LOADS AND LOADS of junk mail. worth .84 cents a pop?? not in my book


Well-Known Member
I will try it if anyone else does, as long as it doesn't give me viruses that will make my computer slower than it already is and as long as it doesn't rip off my identity or something i'm down. I need money, how much can you really make doing this? And I don't mind junk mail and telemarketers, I kind of like it, they make me feel important.


New Member
Try Amazon mechanical Turk

Yes I make money

No I dont get nothing for referring you nor is there anything in it for me

Approved HITs


Total Earnings

$209.80 Earnings for about 6 weeks of really part time wages.

And as far as personal information goes. It is against policy to ask for it. So check it out if you want to make some small change