XXL Budbox,2 600w HPS,10 White Sharks,Lets have fun


Well-Known Member
Hi all, a bit overdue but some good pics... i will write a follow up after.....

As you can see evryone they have gown loads in the last 5 days, gonna eat my dinner and post a detailed explanation of how things been going.........:peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
dude look at those indicas gotta love them, broad leaf and so short and stalky. i have like a 2 month old purple pro plant its like 18 inches high and 24 inches wide ha. looking good though + rep!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, sorry for the delay in this post ive had so much stuff to do but here goes......

So yesterday i done my weekly clean out of my res an flood table, i was a bit worried because of the amount of roots coming out the net pots,but this problem will be fixed very shortly and i will post pics and explain when it is......also havent installed fan controller or 8" fan yet im still waiting for some 200-150mm plastic reducers as im gonna run it through my cooltube but again i will post an explain when its done......

Anyways, i checked the ph and ec/ppm yesterday before i emptied res, and the ph was 5.8 an ec was 2.0, which basically told me the plants were using up the water faster than the nutes, and i noticed the res was lower than the previous week......but the ph being bang on was good news i only adjusted it once during last week and it had only crept to 6.1, so not too much to worry about i think.....

I then cleared the plants out the tray, and washed it with a household cleaner and rinsed for about 15 mins and let it dry, i also done this to the main reservoir which had dry salt buildup's around the water level....and while i was doing all this the pump was on in some normal tap water just to give it a little clean.....

For mixing the nutes this week i stuck with the 150ml each of canna aqua vega A + B after only half the tank was full, i then filled it up fully and put some more water than last week, maybe 7-10 litres, just to see if it worked out better, also while i was doing this i had the pump running in the water just to mix it up nicely.......when i finished the ph was 7.0 and ec 1.6 and i had to add about 15ml to get it down to 5.8........

Anyway it was pretty much the same as last week i still have some work to do with the tent, but it will be done this week and pics will be added....

As for the actual grow i wouldnt mind some opinions on how long more i should veg for, i was thinking about another 2 weeks.....as they are already 4 weeks old, what does everyone think????

But everyone if you have some advice or opinios please let me know id rather be aware of problems yet to come and if im doing something badly i wouldnt take offence to someone pointing it out if u know what i mean lol....i really just dont wanna F this up :peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Vedge as long as you want to Shark, just be aware of your space and that the plants are going to probably double in size in the first 3 weeks of flower........ Most established growers believe in longer vedge because it allows the plant to mature and actually gives it a chance of reaching it's true potential... I vedged for 7 weeks, but I have 8 foot ceilings and i'm on a vert set up, so height is not a problem and I am a big fan of tying my plants all over, to open up for light...... You look like you are working with a pretty Indica dominant strain, they won't get anywhere nere as big as a sativa dom strain will...... Other than that, I think your attention to detail is working out good for you..... With a straiun like you are working with I would prob do sea of green next time, but that's just me


Well-Known Member
ok shark, I was looking at your last pics again and saw all those roots coming out... The light on them is definitely bad and you are getting ready to move to solid pots and you know how much I think that is a bad idea and it will limit your root space, so I had an I dea for you....... I know you don't have a lid, but if you just buy A little 6mm Panda film, you take the white side and put it up over your table without the plants in and pull it tight and tape it around the whole thing so it's flat on top, then just use a razor to cut out the holes that your pots can fit in..... Then you will have: all the air your roots need, all the space they want, and a bonus reflective underside to bounce light back up under your canopy..... DOn't go solid pots, you are always asking for help, so take some advice.... trust


Well-Known Member
ok shark, I was looking at your last pics again and saw all those roots coming out... The light on them is definitely bad and you are getting ready to move to solid pots and you know how much I think that is a bad idea and it will limit your root space, so I had an I dea for you....... I know you don't have a lid, but if you just buy A little 6mm Panda film, you take the white side and put it up over your table without the plants in and pull it tight and tape it around the whole thing so it's flat on top, then just use a razor to cut out the holes that your pots can fit in..... Then you will have: all the air your roots need, all the space they want, and a bonus reflective underside to bounce light back up under your canopy..... DOn't go solid pots, you are always asking for help, so take some advice.... trust
Hey LOST, i really understand what ur saying but the main reason i want solid pots is to be able to move them round whereas if i make a cover and let the roots tangle i cant clean the tray out or move the pots, but why are you so against them anyway? You have to use them for soil and if they flood the same as net pots i dont see the problem....if its oxygen i have ordered an air stone and 35% grade H202, but thanks for the comments and let me know what you think of my ideas.....

i vegg for atleast a month..i dont go by height!
Yeah i was thinking the same im gonna veg for about another week or two and then flower, i just need to get my tent properly setup then come on the flowering....oh an they will have been 6 weeks then, and with an 8 week flower if my calculations are correct should be a nice xmas present....:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I water my plants once every two or three days shark, you'rs are sitting for multiple times a day..... And the air stone is great if you're running bubbler, but it won't make much of a adifference if any in a flooded table working it's way up into solid pots


Well-Known Member
sweet setup man, gl with the sharks i'm gonna subscribe to this thread since i plan on getting some eventually! i'm gonna give ghs's Alaskan Ice a whirl first though.


Active Member
i agree with lost on staying with net pots.

its nice that you like to clean your res and table so much but there is such a thing as over kill.

another way to cover your expsed roots is by putting a thin layer of hydroton in the bottom of your table which will still give you the ability to move the pots around as you want and clean as often as your little OCD heart desires (that was a joke)

anyways plants look nice and healthy good job so far.


Well-Known Member
NXT has a pretty good idea with the Hydroton as well but you will not be able to move them around once they root into the hydroton........... You just need to cover your table put air stones in there and have them set to go off as soon as your table is fully flooded and have them stop at the same time it drains.... I too understand your desire for all things nice and clean, though I am totally the opposite of that, my room looks like a disaster at times.... But Shark, what do you want in the end man... Do you want big fat healthy buds, or a clean table and res..... You ask anyone that does flood or used to I should say and they will tell you you do not want to flood into solid pots ... There's not enough air...... Plants want lot's of air for their roots, like you are giving them right now, hence why they are growing so nicely..... Anyway Shark, this is all my opinion, but I have been doing this for a long time and have experience with just about every style set up there is..... You do what's best for you and then keep proving us wrong, or at least me.......... Are you using organic or chem ferts?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i went away for some family do on the weekend in france and got nicked coming back into the country yesterday bout 3pm on a non payment of fines warrant with no bail, and got back today to discover my latest grow is over, the plants didnt get water since sunday evening i think, and here are the results......

So all in all not a very good weekend for me i think the plants are 100% dead but im gonna let them be watered maybe just tonight if they show any signs of perkin up then maybe ill have some luck come my way for once, but it dont look like it, i was thinking maybe i should cut all the dead leaves off to see if there is any growth but like i said i think the game is over......however i will be starting again as soon as the seeds i just ordered get delivered, but at least ill know now....

As for why the pump f...cked up basically the hose came off it, so when it was running it was just pumping round the reservoir, a small jubilee clip will fix it for next time but it was probably havi an extra day or two without res being changed and checked.......anyways if anyone has any opinions on whether they will perk up i would love to here....thanks to everyone who followed and watch out cos ill be back soon enough :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
That sucks Shark, but they might make it..... Well at least you know that you can do it right your way..... I feel for you bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments everyone believe me i a so pissed it is a joke but at least ill know now for the future i trimmed most of the dead leaves and left the tops on to try and revive them but 1 of them i had to leave just a stalk cos it was all dead ill see what happens by tomorrow night if not ill chop them all.....chances are with this stress they'll go hermie if they survive anyway but ill try, ive ordered another 10 white sharks cos i like the strain they'll be here in next 2 days so maybe it'll be a fresh start........................