XxNinjaxX's ScrOB (Cheese That Is)


Well-Known Member
Those look NICE Ninja! and that reflector has really nailed the light distribution equally.. You're going to get some BIG ASS Blue Cheese bro :D


Well-Known Member
Those look NICE Ninja! and that reflector has really nailed the light distribution equally.. You're going to get some BIG ASS Blue Cheese bro :D
Cheers Buddy.. I've never headed them before, so u got any tips for me??
I Love that reflector & best thing was cos u have to assemble it urself it was only $35..


Well-Known Member
Sad news Ninja, RIP and condolences to you and the rest of its family from the Northenr Hemisphere.




Well-Known Member
Good to hear that you are taking the time to make things right between you and the departed. Condolences.


Well-Known Member
we had to put our family dog down after 13 years, she was all full of tumors and it was such a sad day. but hey, ya had lots of happy times with her/him and it's way better to dwell on that stuff eh.

i'm takin clones this week, WHOOO.

chin up darlin, maybe you can use the grief to get b into bed with a hot brunette lass lol mwa


Well-Known Member
Hey guys & gals, thanks for the well wishes..
Kasey was a Beautiful Labrador, she just got too old for this world.
The missus was with her when she passed so I'm sure she was happy :)

Kmoo, who is B?


Well-Known Member
oh based on what you called one of my plants once i thought it was the first letter of yer girlfriends name lol my bad


Well-Known Member
oh based on what you called one of my plants once i thought it was the first letter of yer girlfriends name lol my bad
Ah Right, I remember now - Brooke, Brooke is my favourite Girl's name.. If I could get my missus in bed with a hot brunette named Brooke I'd be in Utopia :-)


Well-Known Member
haha nah you called one of them bianca!!! lol

either way, milk it buddy!! haha
Really?!?! I must have been quite Roasted.. 200Deg for about 45minutes to be precise, lol.
I had an Ex named Bianca - didn't much care 4her, I honestly don't kno y I wud say such a thing.. Slap my mouth..


Well-Known Member
Here we go guys, things are tracking as they should..
Plants are growing well into the screen, but i still havent gotten off my ass n put a weight where the AI plant is, lol.
Hopefully the screen fills up in the next few days so i can turn them when i want to and have a screen full of buds that are about 6-8 inches long :-)


Well-Known Member
looking nice man. that screen should fill out nicely. are you still planning on turning them on friday?
Yeah i think i will turn the lights out on Friday night and not on again until Sunday morning when they shall be on 12/12 & recieve 600W of Glorious HPS :-)
I have re-thought my 8 week plan and will let them run through to 9 weeks, i want knock-out smoke, headspins just aint enough anymore :-?


Well-Known Member
lol. tolerance is rising. whats the deal with lights off for 2 days? does that hasten the start of flowering?


Well-Known Member
lol. tolerance is rising. whats the deal with lights off for 2 days? does that hasten the start of flowering?
Yeah it helps the plants to distinguish that the long days have come to an end..
It also makes the plants stretch which should help fill the screen up the last little bit.
Na not so much tolerance rising, more-so i find myself wanting a more distorted reality..