Ya i'm a noob but check it out anyway...comments welcome!


Active Member
Alright so i'm new to this so forgive me for the information that i know i am going to leave out. I started growing because people are unreliable and i'm tired of searching all the time. Here are some pics, the 2 bigger ones were planted on Oct 5. The pink cups were planted on Oct 23. There are 8 6500k CFL's, 4 56w LED panels that I ordered before i was adivsed that they were crap...threw them in there anyway as accessory lighting, and 2 4 foot florescent tubes (don't remember the output on those). The box is 5'x3'x3' and wrapped in mylar as the reflective substance. Soil is MG and I've been using a liquid veg fert for the two bigger babies. Like i said i'm sure that i have left things out but let me know what you think! I'll try to update this once a week.DSCN3095.jpgDSCN3096.jpgDSCN3091.jpgDSCN3097.jpgDSCN3094.jpgDSCN3093.jpgDSCN3092.jpg

I think that there is some purple in the stem and first leaves of the babies!
By the look of a couple pictures, I think you might be giving them a bit too much fertilizer. I only give mine half of what the bottle recommends and they seem to be enjoying it.

Any chance of you getting a HPS or Metal-Halide light? I know the Metal-Halide lights work from my first grow, and everywhere I read tells me that HPS lights are insane for growing. Mine is 400W BTW.



Well-Known Member
Hey Ryan. I decided to start growing for the same reason you have. You've taken on a new challenge, and it's quite fun, so enjoy it!

Miracle Grow in general isn't recommended for Marijuana. It's just too powerful. It's better to start out with a soilless mix (with no nutrients added). When you transplant into a bigger pot make sure to get that type of soil. You're giving it way to much nutrients for now. Hold off on them for a few weeks.

I would also get those lights as close as you can to the plants. Since you're using CFL's, you could get them within an inch of the plant. It's going to need all the lumens it can get to grow into a big happy plant!

Happy growing


Active Member
Ya that's the same light. I bought it before i researched what wattage is needed from them to be effective...i had already cut the spaces for them to be a part of the grow so i added them anyway. I've been following a thread about FF vs. MG. MG is doing better i can get the link on here if you want it. And no i won't be doing an hps or mh light. What i have so far is just about all i'll be using, my house is all electric so my bill is already high enough! CFL's have turned my one plant around dramatically, the one in the bigger pot i had almost given up on...i think a mixture of overwatering and not enough light just about killed it. Now that it's in this little space i built and added all the light to it, it is starting to bush out a bit and has straightened itself back up. I'm anxious to see what the new babies are going to do since it hasn't even been a week yet. I'll update pictures once a week unless i need something diagnosed!


Active Member
5 of 7 new seeds have broken through the soil! Still don't know what the purple stems on 2 if them is all about since its just bagseed but oh well...maybe I got lucky