Ya know that whole Russia thing?

What's racist about being a black man from Kenya vs. being a black man from the US?
Did you wash your brain this morning and now you can't do a thing w/ it?

But since you like harping on Obummer's birth certificate and how many have claimed it false, no one does a better job of that than Obummer's own lawyers e.g. :

Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”.

Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate.

“Sadly, regardless of her moral deficiency, Hill is legally justified,” says TDP Editor, Penbrook Johannson, “Obama’s eligibility is a separate matter than the charges of forgery and fraud. Of course, we have evidence that he is not eligible. But, evidence of forgery by as yet unidentified counterfeiters working on behalf of Obama is not what legally excludes Obama from appearing on a ballot, by itself, until some authority is willing to consider this as evidence of forgery on its merit as an indication of actual ineligibility in a court of legal authority.
You can see his other lawyer Mario Apuzzo at NJ Ballot Challenge Hearing saying exactly that here:
(from 34 to 40 minutes)

Why are you so stupid?

You're inconsequential and don't have anything other than a insult to say proving how stupid you are.

Fine then.....but I'm still waiting for you to post your taxes to prove it. ;)

If they did I wouldn't have to read your utter stupidity.
P.S. The Federal reserve isn't a federal gov't entity.
Did my pointing that out to you bunge your panties beyond all hope of extraction by proving that and that's why you're so shallow and worthless as a poster in this thread?

You'd have to ask a Dumph supporter.
I just like pointing out that you had nothing to say when Obummer did it but yet now you are screaming IMPEACH when the president engages in political diplomacy.

I'd call you a tool, but tools can be beneficial and useful most often and you are anything but that.

He didn't say that Buckold and Co. would stop offering you AM fellatio anymore so I think you're safe. ;)
To prove what? If i paid a nickle in taxes I will have paid more than trump....trumps a crook and belongs behind bars
What's racist about being a black man from Kenya vs. being a black man from the US?
Did you wash your brain this morning and now you can't do a thing w/ it?

But since you like harping on Obummer's birth certificate and how many have claimed it false, no one does a better job of that than Obummer's own lawyers e.g. :

Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”.

Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate.

“Sadly, regardless of her moral deficiency, Hill is legally justified,” says TDP Editor, Penbrook Johannson, “Obama’s eligibility is a separate matter than the charges of forgery and fraud. Of course, we have evidence that he is not eligible. But, evidence of forgery by as yet unidentified counterfeiters working on behalf of Obama is not what legally excludes Obama from appearing on a ballot, by itself, until some authority is willing to consider this as evidence of forgery on its merit as an indication of actual ineligibility in a court of legal authority.
You can see his other lawyer Mario Apuzzo at NJ Ballot Challenge Hearing saying exactly that here:
(from 34 to 40 minutes)

Why are you so stupid?

You're inconsequential and don't have anything other than a insult to say proving how stupid you are.

Fine then.....but I'm still waiting for you to post your taxes to prove it. ;)

If they did I wouldn't have to read your utter stupidity.
P.S. The Federal reserve isn't a federal gov't entity.
Did my pointing that out to you bunge your panties beyond all hope of extraction by proving that and that's why you're so shallow and worthless as a poster in this thread?

You'd have to ask a Dumph supporter.
I just like pointing out that you had nothing to say when Obummer did it but yet now you are screaming IMPEACH when the president engages in political diplomacy.

I'd call you a tool, but tools can be beneficial and useful most often and you are anything but that.

He didn't say that Buckold and Co. would stop offering you AM fellatio anymore so I think you're safe. ;)
Nice racist meltdown, retard
Me too. I grilled steak and and made a home made apple pie.
Try a little of this marinade w/ the steak next time:

1/2 c. soy sauce
3 minced garlic cloves
1 Tbsp of sorghum
3 Tbsp coarse ground black pepper
1/2 Tsp of cumin
1/2 squeezed lemon (and then cut the lemon 1/2 into quarters and chuck it in there)
1/8 Tsp ginger (fresh is best)

marinade for @ least 4 hrs. and be ready to be happy
It tenderizes and magnificently flavors them.
To prove what? If i paid a nickle in taxes I will have paid more than trump....trumps a crook and belongs behind bars
To prove that you did.
You're the one getting all het up about taxes.
Could that be because you're talking from your anus? ;)
Try a little of this marinade w/ the steak next time:

1/2 c. soy sauce
3 minced garlic cloves
1 Tbsp of sorghum
3 Tbsp coarse ground black pepper
1/2 Tsp of cumin
1/2 squeezed lemon (and then cut the lemon 1/2 into quarters and chuck it in there)
1/8 Tsp ginger (fresh is best)

marinade for @ least 4 hrs. and be ready to be happy
It tenderizes and magnificently flavors them.

To prove that you did.
You're the one getting all het up about taxes.
Could that be because you're talking from your anus? ;)
I'm not the one the russians elected president.....lets see the crooks taxes...
Nice racist meltdown, retard
You need a new writer.
You always say "Nice meltdown" when you have nothing you can say in argument.
Did you like it when Obummers lawyers claimed his birth certificate was fake (Utube vid of court proceedings proving that in the Nikki Haley thread)?
You need a new writer.
You always say "Nice meltdown" when you have nothing you can say in argument.
Did you like it when Obummers lawyers claimed his birth certificate was fake (Utube vid of court proceedings proving that in the Nikki Haley thread)?
“Obama’s birth certificate is fake according to this YouTube video” - racist retards

@GreatwhiteNorth LOL
What's racist about being a black man from Kenya vs. being a black man from the US?
Did you wash your brain this morning and now you can't do a thing w/ it?

But since you like harping on Obummer's birth certificate and how many have claimed it false, no one does a better job of that than Obummer's own lawyers e.g. :

Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”.

Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate.

“Sadly, regardless of her moral deficiency, Hill is legally justified,” says TDP Editor, Penbrook Johannson, “Obama’s eligibility is a separate matter than the charges of forgery and fraud. Of course, we have evidence that he is not eligible. But, evidence of forgery by as yet unidentified counterfeiters working on behalf of Obama is not what legally excludes Obama from appearing on a ballot, by itself, until some authority is willing to consider this as evidence of forgery on its merit as an indication of actual ineligibility in a court of legal authority.
You can see his other lawyer Mario Apuzzo at NJ Ballot Challenge Hearing saying exactly that here:
(from 34 to 40 minutes)

Why are you so stupid?

You're inconsequential and don't have anything other than a insult to say proving how stupid you are.

Fine then.....but I'm still waiting for you to post your taxes to prove it. ;)

If they did I wouldn't have to read your utter stupidity.
P.S. The Federal reserve isn't a federal gov't entity.
Did my pointing that out to you bunge your panties beyond all hope of extraction by proving that and that's why you're so shallow and worthless as a poster in this thread?

You'd have to ask a Dumph supporter.
I just like pointing out that you had nothing to say when Obummer did it but yet now you are screaming IMPEACH when the president engages in political diplomacy.

I'd call you a tool, but tools can be beneficial and useful most often and you are anything but that.

He didn't say that Buckold and Co. would stop offering you AM fellatio anymore so I think you're safe. ;)
Pretty much a birther manifesto, I doubt anyone would ever read it all.

Get a job, son.
Pretty much a birther manifesto, I doubt anyone would ever read it all.
Get a job, son.
If would read anything that would make you question your present delusional paradigm you might be surprised how stupid you were to believe them in the first place.
Otherwise, go copulate w/ a rock. ;)