Ya know that whole Russia thing?

Oh, Hey @choomer, I'm sorry. I had no idea you were out of your fucking mind.
Let's look at what happened here. You posted one the largest op's I ever seen, blaming the Russia thing on Obama and Hillary.
I posted a quote from a former employee and a pig gif.
You call me stupid for linking the citation for the quote. Which honestly strikes me as funny. Given you were too fucking dumb to post a working link in your op.
You then start frothing at the mouth about colored links and the brain dead. This again amused me, as you were too fucking dumb to post a working link in your op.

I called you stupid because you used a competitors hit piece to discredit the source w/o looking for the sourced links which are in the OP if you look or read (but your inability to do so is why I call you stupid to begin with).

I even tried to help you buy rendering links the way 99% of the rest of the internet does and quoting them to stand out.

The links in the OP are there...but you have to search for them since they are rendered in a plain text style that you obviously couldn't be bothered to look for in something you didn't read anyway.

Try hovering your mouse over each word to see if a link comes up.

You'll probably be surprised. ;)

Don't apologize for being stupid, learn from it or be condemned to forever personifying it. :D

Oh, Hey @choomer, You then make a ridiculous comment about the company I keep. This strikes me as odd as this is a message board, and I don't keep any company here. If this is a reference to whose posts, I've liked in the past, I'd only remind you I've liked posts from you in the past as well. In your mind, are we keeping each other company now?

You then say some more stupid shit about there was a lot of blather before and after me. My first post was number 9 and looks like this one will be the 15th. By my count we are still in the early stages of blather given your thread is still on page 1.

You ended with some nonsense about Dims.

You've "liked" my posts and even initially PM'd me a few times but that doesn't excuse you from neglecting to read the story, follow the links to other more credible sources that were responsible for it's creation, and then trying to malign the content of the story by attacking the source instead of the content.

That was a definitive litmus test as to whose company you keep.

Zerohedge's content quality has taken a serious slide over the last decade but it still doesn't keep "a stopped clock from being right twice a day".

Would you like to go hunt up a vilification of "The Hill" now too?

Here's one of mediabiasfactcheck. :D


As to the "blather" amount, you'll notice I only replied to 2 posts of the 10 following my OP that you've quoted.

Simple math (10 - 2 = 6) means I considered 80% of them to be blather and in my world 80% is a LOT more than 20% and is always a good financial bet.

I haven't visited RIU for @ least a week and it certainly seems that the "lots" parts has much more credence now it's grown to 6 pages and 102 posts.

Zerohedge sucks.


"Zero Hedge’s content has been classified as “alt-right” and has been criticized for presenting conspiracy theories.

In review, Zero Hedge publishes pro-right wing/Trump articles such as Pat Buchanan: “Trump Calls Off Cold War II.” As well as fake news stories regarding liberals: Anti-Trump Protesters Bused Into Austin, Chicago."

It's a bullshit blog for nuts. You included. Or especially .

You quote example stories but nothing to support your opinion that they are not true.

See the link above about mediafactcheck and then crawl back into the warm wet comfort of your SJW vaginal hat.

Who am I kidding? You've already proven the level of reading and critical thinking from most posters here is of the most dismal nadir.
I called you stupid because you used a competitors hit piece to discredit the source w/o looking for the sourced links which are in the OP if you look or read (but your inability to do so is why I call you stupid to begin with).

I even tried to help you buy rendering links the way 99% of the rest of the internet does and quoting them to stand out.

The links in the OP are there...but you have to search for them since they are rendered in a plain text style that you obviously couldn't be bothered to look for in something you didn't read anyway.

Try hovering your mouse over each word to see if a link comes up.

You'll probably be surprised. ;)

Don't apologize for being stupid, learn from it or be condemned to forever personifying it. :D
Remember how you rooted for a serial pedophile to be a senator?
Remember how you rooted for a serial pedophile to be a senator?
Buckold, remember how you bet anyone that would listen to leave RIU based on the election results and how you didn't have the character (balls is how sky put it I think) to honor the bet?
You are the most pathetic excuse for a multi-celled life form.
It must be true. I read it on Snopes. ;)
Buckold, remember how you bet anyone that would listen to leave RIU based on the election results and how you didn't have the character (balls is how sky put it I think) to honor the bet?
You are the most pathetic excuse for a multi-celled life form.
It must be true. I read it on Snopes. ;)
Why are you trying to change the subject from your real life support of a serial pedophile to some meaningless bet in a pot website?

Pedophiles rape children. Why do you support that?
Buckold, remember how you bet anyone that would listen to leave RIU based on the election results and how you didn't have the character (balls is how sky put it I think) to honor the bet?
You are the most pathetic excuse for a multi-celled life form.
It must be true. I read it on Snopes. ;)
Nope you just described Donald J Trump
Why are you trying to change the subject from your real life support of a serial pedophile to some meaningless bet in a pot website?
Pedophiles rape children. Why do you support that?
I'M trying to change the subject?!?!?


That's almost as good as a pedophile like you trying to attack another for that in a vain attempt to not being looked at being a perpetrator yourself?
Didn't you learn anything from Joel Davis?
Buckold, remember how you bet anyone that would listen to leave RIU based on the election results and how you didn't have the character (balls is how sky put it I think) to honor the bet?
You are the most pathetic excuse for a multi-celled life form.
It must be true. I read it on Snopes. ;)

Trump didn't carry the popular vote, illegitimate win.

That was the agreement.