Yay, first grow!


Well-Known Member
that starter mix is what killed your other 2 sprouts most likely. too hot, adding the perlite reduces the strength so seedlings wont die. fyi lol


Active Member
Ahhhh it looks so happy after the flush and change in lighting!...... Oh yeah, my boo/Olimar changed the lights from those two giant 4200 lumen cfls to two 2800 lumen cfls. It seems significantly more perky; the fan leaves at the top are basically straight out instead of saggy :)

I'm on my phone ATM but we just took some pictures outside and it looks purdy and happy! I'll post pictures in a few.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Also I would really just like to say I hope this hoe is female. Lol
Keep your fingers crossed. If it is, you should do something to her. If you don't want to cut her, try some lst techniques. You may have to get creative there, looking at that pot. not sure if you can/want to drill holes in it anyway. Just a thought.


Active Member

Yay pictures! We decided not to top her. My dad is gonna come by one day and check/water. Also I've read not topping from the one single stem is a hippy-ish preferred method since it's the original stalk/stem. So we'll see what happens!


Active Member
;((((((((((((((((((((((((( pretty sure it's a goner. It dried out too much cause my dad didn't come check on it. So sad. Idk if I can bring myself to post pictures tbh ;( it's not crispy just very droopy and totally wilted. The main stem seems fairly healthy still. Sad Mz is sad :((((


Active Member
That's what I was thinking! I felt a little foolish hehe but figured why not...

Also we ordered seeds from TSSC and they got delivered while we were out of town. We got an orange USPS delivery attempt notice and my bf is trippin and thinks it's spooky. I'm high as balls so I'm like IT'S COOL MAN but maybe it's not lol. Thoughts? Is this kosher?


Active Member
OMG! Lol here it is now. I swear to you we walked in to take a picture and it has perked up like.... A billion percent lol. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!


That's what I was thinking! I felt a little foolish hehe but figured why not...

Also we ordered seeds from TSSC and they got delivered while we were out of town. We got an orange USPS delivery attempt notice and my bf is trippin and thinks it's spooky. I'm high as balls so I'm like IT'S COOL MAN but maybe it's not lol. Thoughts? Is this kosher?
Yes, they are telling you they tried to deliver. You where not home, so they left the not. As far as topping and fiming plants? I don't recommend it. Just supercrop and LST. There are many tutorials on you-tube of how to do this. Topping in my eyes takes away growth by creating new growth. Fiming does not always work, were as supercropping is risky but the biggest pay off for that bansi 1# plant! ;)


Well-Known Member
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Yay pictures! We decided not to top her. My dad is gonna come by one day and check/water. Also I've read not topping from the one single stem is a hippy-ish preferred method since it's the original stalk/stem. So we'll see what happens!

I always recommend to new growers to NOT top the first grow. Watch them grow naturally.
2nd grow, top them, then you can see the difference and have better understanding of why we top.
3rd grow you can really start experimenting with techniques to maximize yield.


Well-Known Member
fuckin sweet, close one there! i have no idea where tssc is but what strain did u guys choose? note means go get your shit! lol


Active Member
Bahahah I guess they just REALLY love their mama! No, we were in Cali for 5 days and it dried out. Dude I cannot believe how hardy this plant is <3

ok pictures awooooo!!



Active Member
Here are some moar pictures!! I love this plant...

Do y'all think I should wait till it recovers a little more to clone anything? The stems are reasonably firm, not much wiggle left in them from the drought lol. Also, should we start nutes before clipping for clones or wait till after taking a few clones?

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
Here are some moar pictures!! I love this plant...
View attachment 2664613View attachment 2664612View attachment 2664615View attachment 2664616

Do y'all think I should wait till it recovers a little more to clone anything? The stems are reasonably firm, not much wiggle left in them from the drought lol. Also, should we start nutes before clipping for clones or wait till after taking a few clones?
Lookin goood miz! Nice recovery. I cannot tell you from experience, as i am about to take my first clones today/tomorrow, but me personally i am very conservative about stressing the plant. I would wait till she perks up a bit.



New Member
Our seeds came! The Single Seed Centre included 6 freebie seeds too. We should be busy for a while.