Yay for alabama


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;_664t4rIGYM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_664t4rIGYM&feature=related[/video]ya, teyturkmajeerbs


Well-Known Member
ok just had a long debate on facebook, im warming to the idea of the dream act, but still, not cool with all the ones not giving shit back and keep taking and taking.
Btw, if they were legal, they wouldnt have to take the worst jobs
thought it was all bs....................well fuck me


Active Member
i know it sounds bad, but my friends victor and laura are illegal, and just happened to start talking about the dream act on fb, so i decided to get into a debate with them
your friends are illegal and your talking crap about them on a pot website wow..


Well-Known Member
YALL LEAVE urca ALONE BECAUSE....[video=youtube;CbuYb6lLHX8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbuYb6lLHX8&feature=related[/video]


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;C36ya3e4wMs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C36ya3e4wMs&feature=related[/video].........rep if you athed the whole video. lol!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
um, honestly, what does it matter? i said their first name and citizenship, not who they are, where they live, their phone numbers. shit, i dont even put up my last name on here or my location, much less theirs. find another bone to pick
Did you really just act like you take measures to preserve your privacy on here?! :lol: I don't need to find a bone to pick, you just keep laying them in front of me with a pretty ribbon and all! :lol: Just like you're doing for LEO. :) It wouldn't take 30 seconds for them to extrapolate the personal data you've left on here and process it for your home address. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
WHATEVER DUDE. FUCK. ALWAYS TRYING TO BE SO FUCKING WITTY AND SMART, LIKE YOUR SOME FUCKING INFALLIABLE GOD WHO KNOWS ALL THE RIGHT ANSWERS AND IS RIGHT IN EVERY SITUATION. i like you about 50% of the time, but right now i just want to punch you in your face. fuck this, i need to get off this website for a while.


Well-Known Member
WHATEVER DUDE. FUCK. ALWAYS TRYING TO BE SO FUCKING WITTY AND SMART, LIKE YOUR SOME FUCKING INFALLIABLE GOD WHO KNOWS ALL THE RIGHT ANSWERS AND IS RIGHT IN EVERY SITUATION. i like you about 50% of the time, but right now i just want to punch you in your face. fuck this, i need to get off this website for a while.
you mad urca...cause you seem mad brah

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
WHATEVER DUDE. FUCK. ALWAYS TRYING TO BE SO FUCKING WITTY AND SMART, LIKE YOUR SOME FUCKING INFALLIABLE GOD WHO KNOWS ALL THE RIGHT ANSWERS AND IS RIGHT IN EVERY SITUATION. i like you about 50% of the time, but right now i just want to punch you in your face. fuck this, i need to get off this website for a while.
Infalliable as always. I think I'm 200 pounds to light to get into a fistfight with you Urca. :)