Yay or nay for Miracle grow


Well-Known Member
Well i actually just threw together another grow with MG. As hypocritical as it may sound i went to Lowes and saw some organic MG with nothing added, just how i like it. So being stoned i figured ok it cant be that bad. And 2 of my girls thats in the MG right now really seems to be doing well. I added a bit of perlite but thats it. So far they have really been striving and have good green health. I just started adding MG organic 8-0-0 as well and they seem to like it so far. This past 3 weeks have changed my mind completely. Ill post some pics up if i can in the next few days. I dont know what made me think to try it but im not dissipointed. Its not amazing or anything like that but im happy with it so far


Well-Known Member
i used mg for about 2 months, before the ph went completly haywire, my plants started turning yellow. I flushed and i flushed to no avail, my plants didnt snap out of their yellowing. Now ive switch soils to a ph balanced sterilized soil, my plants are still yellow, but new growth is coming in green, stems are not purple anymore neither.

I think mg is the worst soil out there, once the miracle runs out, yer screwed!!

down with mg
my friend if you read the fine print it recommends adding lime to the soil for long time uses... so you cant blame m.grow for that


Well-Known Member
using and nutes makes the ph become more acidic adding lime(the rock not the fruit) just in case people dont know.... is a base and lowers the acid lvl and in some m.grow product it says to use lime with extended use


Well-Known Member
o yea i guess i forgot to answer i say ....YES..... i preffer using soil with low nutes and adding m.grow the way i like..

ps... i use the water soluble bluepowder


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats the way to go. I like doing the same so i can keep a better eye on how much of what my plants are really getting. and im just using some bloodmeal for veg right now, flowering in about 2 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
It's like McDonald's. It is food and will sustain a plant. I would use it in a pinch(like I did with my seedlings tonight). My "store" is 45 minutes away and was closed. Hardware store is accross the street. I bought the smallest box they had and used about an 1/8 a teaspoon to a half gallon of water. I used it in rockwool, no less. I shouldn't need to give them anything else until this weekend and I'll get some real stuff, then.
im using MG for my lowriders and they are growing well. put them bitches in a 5liter pot and some MG and some light, and boom, holds and feeds up to 3months, and usally lowriders only take 75days. so i think im good for now, unless someone has some news(good or bad) they'll like to share. but so far-so good.


Well-Known Member
Um dude, i hate to let you know. but the last two weeks of flowering are meant to flush the plants and rid the soil from any nutrients. This helps the plant use up all the nutrients it has, so this way when you harvest there wont be fertilizer in your buds still. and not doing so will give you a real harsh, choky, and unhealthy smoke. along with unpleasant taste. and if you have those time releasing fert balls in your soil that supposedly feeds for so long, then that means you cant really flush that junk out as effectively.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
MG nutes only last 2 months which in soil is about your veg time then you can control the flower stage and flush


Well-Known Member

I say Yay for the soil. Im a new grower but Miracle Grow hasn't gave me any problems. Some plants are creeping up on 3 months (nutes last 3 months), then I will start feeding with Bloom Boost nutes, my last year grow lasted 2 months and the plants were fine up till then but they were stolen. I think problems occur with new growers babying their plants and over watering which will feed them too much. I also have the Miracle Grow all Purpose feeder (Blue powder, mix with water) but I haven't used it yet... next grow I will be trying my own soil mix so it might come in handy.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I can only vouch for MG Moisture control soil. All thier others have always made problems when I tested them and for thier actual nutes I would not reccomend them personally at all for ganja. With MG use ph 7 water


Well-Known Member
I have used organic MG soil I did have a problem with gnats, but to be honest I really cant answer this question until I use another product like fox farm.. But I can say I did have a gnat problem ( but that might not be MG fault) did not have a problem with nute burn at all. So i would say if its all you can get your hands on go for it, but it did make me wonder why can i get MG for 8.50 for 32quart and fox farm is like 28 for 32 quart. Thats a big difference


Well-Known Member
I would personally not use MG but know a few people that like it. In a pinch I have used the blue mix it yourself stuff when nothing else is around. I've only every used it during veg phase with no adverse effects. I use Pro-mix BX for all my grows. No Nutes (very, very minimal) I get to be in control. I prefer to play god to my plants or I would just plant outside...oh wait I do that too. Outdoor grows not so good in winter though, lol.

Snow + weed = Bad


Well-Known Member
I have one the I put into miracle grow at about 2 feet tall. I saw some nutrient burn for about 2 weeks then my she took of growing and is now a monster.. I have it in a 5 gallon bucket it is about 4 ft tall and incredibly bushy Do yall think I should cut out the bottom of the bucket and put her in the ground? Let me know as for Miracle grow it works..