Yay or nay for Miracle grow


Well-Known Member
I use MG and add flora nova and flouralicious to supplement as I am in 6 weeks flowering. The plants look great. As far as flushing.. just when they are done and i want to flush the plants out so they taste better and dont have ferts in them.
yes but you used some proper food for 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Can you use MG: unfortunately
Should you use MG: NAY!

Miracle Grow is not meant to grow bud. The amount of nutrients in MG is not in the right proportions to grow cannabis. Miracle Grow does not have the right levels of nitrate, phosphorus and potassium needed to grow cannabis correctly. Do not use Miracle Grow!

Better yet use MG for one plant and use soil with the proper proportions of nutrients for another plant and you will see just what a difference it will make. Custom soil mixing is the best if you know what you are doing.

Monty Man

Active Member
take the guess work out of fertilizer try using montys its organic and you cant burn a plant using it ask me montyman


Well-Known Member
From reading all these replies, i have come to my own personal conclusion.

Miracle Grow can work, But using organic MG and or other organic soils with fert can have a much better finishing product.

Am i right everyone????


Well-Known Member
im using miracle gro soil for the first time indoors so i hope it goes good the plants seem to be growing great


Well-Known Member
From reading all these replies, i have come to my own personal conclusion.

Miracle Grow can work, But using organic MG and or other organic soils with fert can have a much better finishing product.

Am i right everyone????
affirmative, organic mg is okay and will work but there are better products-yes. i use it because there are no hydro shops near me and i dont want the hassle of dealing with it online. i do wanna try ff ocean forest next.:hump:


Well-Known Member
I think the issue with MiracleGro is the fact that it limits the amount of control you have over your plants. The little balls in it can pop at any time, so you really don't have any control over how much you are giving to your little girls. Most experienced (and very attentive) growers opt not to use MiracleGro for this reason. With the ubiquity of high-quality nutrient concentrates out there, and the widespread use of EC and TDS meters among serious growers; it is easy to have precise control over exactly how much you are feeding your babies. With MiracleGro, sometimes the balls are popping by the dozens, and sometimes none are popping.

So really, you can use MiracleGro, or you can use a soil without time-release ferts along with a concentrate, like FoxFarms or Advanced Nutrients. If you use MiracleGro and add nutes to the water, it could very well burn the shit out of your plants. I know this from experience.

So MiracleGro---- nay. You can grow some great weed with it. You can even get good yields. But it will never be as good as it could be.



Well-Known Member
fucking neh, mg is shitty. I tried it and it was awful, not even the african violet soil which is suppose to be ideal for growing weed was good. The drainage was crap and so was the lack of all the nutes the plants need. Now however I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest.....awesome shit.


Well-Known Member
is there any mg organic with no nutes in it? i used a green bag of mg organic last grow and was under the impression there was no nutes in it.


Well-Known Member
as far as I know there aren't any nutes in mg products.......that is why my poor little plants struggled earlier this year....i thought there were...then looked it up on the website...and there was none....so sad.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hmm weird every soil grow I have done has been in miracle grow with excellent results.You can only use the moisture control though as the organic or potting mix sucks.Dont use miracle grow nutes though as they arnt right.I have never had any issues with the soil.Fast lush veg and very nice heavy dense buds.I dont have any soil grow finished pics but heres a few pictures of plants in miracle grow soil that get just water.For better drainage like all soils you add perlite so not sure who was complaining about drainage...I luv it



Well-Known Member
i use miracle grow additive in water to feed them but i would not trust MG as soil throughout a grow.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have done a few dozen grows with this miracle grow moisture control soil over the years and its always performed very well


Active Member
Firstly, Hello everyone! This is an awesome site. I believe I have been reading nonstop for the past 2 weeks lol.

My first "serious" grow was done with MG since it was all I could get a hold of here. I hadn't read very much into my new hobby and it was disasterous! My plants were basically burnt to death. I transplanted into regular soil but the damage was already done. I had some buds but they were very sparse and wispy.

This grow I do have a small bag of MG Organic (b/c I thought I read it was better) mixed in with about 4-5 x's regular soil, perlite, vermiculite, peat moss, bloodmeal, and lime. My plants are doing very well and I can't complain. I've decided I would use the organic mix if I absolutly had to, but it would have to be "diluted" with some other stuff. But all in all I think the MG stuff should be left to other types of flower growers. It's sad to drive 40 minutes to Wal-Mart and the ONLY thing they seem to have is MG crap. One day when my purse strings can handle it I will look into the Fox Farms stuff I have heard so much about.


Well-Known Member
as far as I know there aren't any nutes in mg products.......that is why my poor little plants struggled earlier this year....i thought there were...then looked it up on the website...and there was none....so sad.
If you look in a bag of MiracleGro, there are little white balls that are made out of some kind of plastic. These balls are full of MG fert, the same kind they sell as a liquid in stores. When you water, some of the balls pop and let out a big dose of MG into the pot. The plants do like the MG, but they can be severely burned.

I used what is pretty much Miracle Gro on my grow, and it came out fine. Specifically, I used Smith and Hawken premium potting mix. I later found out that Scotts (the company that owns Miracle Gro) owns Smith and Hawken. I almost freaked out when I saw all the little white balls. I thought they were bug eggs at first. The trouble came in veg, when I was feeding my plants with FoxFarm Grow Big. I was giving them 1/2 strength, and then on my third dose (feeding every other watering) WHAM! I burned them all within an inch of their lives. The only explanation I can come up with is that the bubbles started popping, and the Miracle Gro made me accidentally overnute.

So, I suppose you can use Miracle Gro. But try to do your last transplant quite a while before flower. Otherwise, you will keep bringing in little nute balls, and never will know when they are going to pop.


P.S. Fletch, your plants look great. I remembered that you used MG on your soil grow; and almost mentioned you in my first post here as a success story. You have a lot of experience, though. All of this advice is for newbies.