Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics


Well-Known Member
Bacillus Thurengiensis is sold as Caterpillar Killer.

Spraying every three weeks, starting in June is very effective.

Earlier if the butterflies show up early, as they did here, in '09, BIG time.

Regular spraying creates layers of protection.

Even if a worm begins to burrow into the bud, he'll soon run into the spray, which, once shaded inside the bud, will remain effective for months.

I found worm damage on about a dozen buds this year, due to missing a spot for one spray.

I found no live worms, and the total loss was less than 1/4 ounce.

I can live with that.


i think my buds are too far along for me to be spraying BT on em
The buds on my infested plant are about three weeks out from harvest so I'll hit it again in about 10 days then let it finish. My other plant is about 4 to 5 weeks out so I might have to hit it twice. If I remember correctly fdd sprayed his last year up until about two or three weeks before harvest. Am I correct on that fdd?
I've sprayed my tomatoes with BT in the evening and harvested the next morning with no problems. I'm not to afraid of toxic problems because BT is considered an organic pesticide. I'm more worried about flavor.

first be

The ONLY problems ive had this outdoor season were minor spider mites. Got rid of those with some eucalyptus. Them worms are nasty tho. Hope i beat around em again. which, once shaded inside the bud, will remain effective for months.

Fat Freddys Cat

Active Member
I had these last year,and they almost cleaned me out Someone told me to cover the girls with fine net at night to keep the moths,from laying the eggs.


Well-Known Member
man, i just saw one of these bastards in my plant, i squished him. and there were like 30 little teeny tiny worms on the bottom side of the leaf he was on. what were those?


Well-Known Member
i got caterpillars gnawing my girl, but i can only go to her at night, is it possible to pick them off at night and how effective are pepper and garlic sprays against them?


Active Member
Yes you can pick the worms at night -- use a flashlight but remember that you'll stress your plants like that with light in the dark hours. And forget the other sprays. Get a caterpillar killer that has BT in it. Safer Caterpillar killer is one of the two I got, from a garden store. The other one is called Thuricide from Home Depot. Both are little bottles, about 10-12 bucks, but they make enough spray for 10 years prolly. Read the directions, follow them. Spray every 2-3 weeks and squish every worm you see.

chef c

Well-Known Member
i got em once in cali.. Sad for the grow. Cant really sell it, trashed a bunch.. I guess i coulda hashed it but grosssssssssss!!!! kill em all.


Well-Known Member
Bud worms are just a fact of life.

Around here, "Skipper" butterflies are the primary culprit. I'm told that other species of butterflies and moths can also attack buds(haven't noticed others, locally).

Using BT is a fact of life if you grow here(California's Central Valley), and want to be successful.
haha i wouldnt mind seeing him hittin the bubbler with a bowl full of worms YUCK lmao. Ive had an instance with those little bastards chowin down on my plants like right when they started flowering. Mine are in pots so im able to just up and move them away from the tree they were Parajumping from like little soldiers in a war on bud lol. I managed to take them all off one by one by hand(ewww) lol and all was well say for a few leafs that were now a bit blessed(HOLY) lol. Try to plant AWAY from other high growing Veg to avoid them being able to land on ur plants when they do there leaving home thing which is catch the wind with their silk and right it out till they land some place our Weed! lol