So someone I know had been collecting every seed they came across, out of every stash they had bought for like the last bunch of years, and when this person found out I was already growing one, they gave me the bag, saying they could never get any of them to grow.
*Tldr 1: This year I have a bag of seeds I'm f'ing around with, trying different things and seeing what doesn't work and what does what and what if I do that, sorta stuff, growing plants, and learning the my favourite way.
I've read posts about plants topping themselves but I think that's what mine really did. Maybe accidentally maybe not. But I'll spoil the end and tell you, in effect, that's exactly what this plant did. Now follow me and let me tell you how we got here.
So my back yard had kinda started to not get as much light as it had been and I was deciding I was gonna force flower my main plant into flowering (I'm going to do this by force, mind you) but I had this other plant that was from the bag of seeds that was doing pretty well (let's call her Betty), and as the sun started to go down and I realized I wanted, really, Betty to get more sun, actually, while we were both giggling, I took her in side, and got out my two 100 watt lamps and almost like she was being interrogated, suddenly and without warning, sue was under those lights, with their beaming intensity merely inches away from her head.
She seemed to be fine with this, and happy, as she reached even closer toward to lights, embracing their shine. Now when I heard whistling, I assumed it was juts Betty, whistling one of her favourite one of my little songs she listens to me make. After a few minutes I checked on Betty, and she was whistling, and shaking! I held my hand infront of the wasn't blowing window was closed...the amount of energy that was involved with whatever Bettt was doing, was causing her to tremble. I went to back the lights off her a little bit and switched one of them off, and as soon as I did that, everything above her neck like shriveled! And died! Betty! BETTY!!!
But it was no use. No matter how loudly I screamed, she just flomped there, dead looking. I said to my self "whatever" turned the pot upside down, pulled it out of there with most of its roots, dug a little spot in the ground in my back yard, watered the hole a lil, shoved it down in there and kicked some dirt back on her, and dumped some more h20 there and said ah, let's see what's going on inside, and then I left her
But hold on! Then it now looks like she's growing in the same way that she would if she was topped properly by someone who knows what they doin'! I was afraid to try it all summer, didn't want to f it up plus I'd rather learn fiming but still! Now I know how to top! Thanks to the nature showed me what when's to do with it.
Now I just gonna chuck 'er in the Ute and I'll be all set next time.
Tldr 2 - just chuck 'er in the Ute
Pictures later
*Tldr 1: This year I have a bag of seeds I'm f'ing around with, trying different things and seeing what doesn't work and what does what and what if I do that, sorta stuff, growing plants, and learning the my favourite way.
I've read posts about plants topping themselves but I think that's what mine really did. Maybe accidentally maybe not. But I'll spoil the end and tell you, in effect, that's exactly what this plant did. Now follow me and let me tell you how we got here.
So my back yard had kinda started to not get as much light as it had been and I was deciding I was gonna force flower my main plant into flowering (I'm going to do this by force, mind you) but I had this other plant that was from the bag of seeds that was doing pretty well (let's call her Betty), and as the sun started to go down and I realized I wanted, really, Betty to get more sun, actually, while we were both giggling, I took her in side, and got out my two 100 watt lamps and almost like she was being interrogated, suddenly and without warning, sue was under those lights, with their beaming intensity merely inches away from her head.
She seemed to be fine with this, and happy, as she reached even closer toward to lights, embracing their shine. Now when I heard whistling, I assumed it was juts Betty, whistling one of her favourite one of my little songs she listens to me make. After a few minutes I checked on Betty, and she was whistling, and shaking! I held my hand infront of the wasn't blowing window was closed...the amount of energy that was involved with whatever Bettt was doing, was causing her to tremble. I went to back the lights off her a little bit and switched one of them off, and as soon as I did that, everything above her neck like shriveled! And died! Betty! BETTY!!!
But it was no use. No matter how loudly I screamed, she just flomped there, dead looking. I said to my self "whatever" turned the pot upside down, pulled it out of there with most of its roots, dug a little spot in the ground in my back yard, watered the hole a lil, shoved it down in there and kicked some dirt back on her, and dumped some more h20 there and said ah, let's see what's going on inside, and then I left her
But hold on! Then it now looks like she's growing in the same way that she would if she was topped properly by someone who knows what they doin'! I was afraid to try it all summer, didn't want to f it up plus I'd rather learn fiming but still! Now I know how to top! Thanks to the nature showed me what when's to do with it.
Now I just gonna chuck 'er in the Ute and I'll be all set next time.
Tldr 2 - just chuck 'er in the Ute
Pictures later