Year two. Messing up stuff as usual XD (pics)


I have a few questions for those who know more than me (likely everyone here).
Last year was my first grow, started indoors.. ended up outdoors due to size/space. I'm sure many people have this issue. Even with all my fuck ups, my MJ managed to pull through with some potent bud at a decent weight.
This year though, I tried for something new. Instead of putting plants in buckets and hiding them in shrubbery, I set up 6x6x7 pop-up greenhouse in feb. to grow in. By may the 6 plants outgrew it. (all planted in the ground.)
I know now that this was way too tight of an area for so many plants. Greed blinded thought I suppose. I eventually set up a 16x20x12 sheet plastic greenhouse that seems to be holding up for the time being.

Out of the 6 plants, 5 have survived. We had a real bad summer heatwave that came through this year with heat indexs surpassing 115F. It beat up my plants pretty good. At their size, they are becoming (im assuming) rootbound with each other in the ground. One main plant is the largest and the healthiest with the surrounding just hanging on. See pic.mainoverview1.jpg
Because I put them outdoors so early they went into flowering in the spring before the days got longer. They quit flowering in late may. Its now August 19th and only one of my smallest is flowering. She is just a single poled plant (no branching out from the main stem, but looking healthy nonetheless.
single pole flower.jpg
My main girls all have these small buds starting on them as seen in this picture, but with no hairs (pistils) on them? Should I be concerned with the lack of flowering/pistils this late in the year?
flower no pistils.jpg
Last but not least, I have two snow whites that I put outside (from a cool indoor window) in flowering after I thought the heat had passed, but of course one crazy heat day (unforeseen by weatherman) came through while I was at work and beat the mess out of them. THey are in 5 gal buckets. Is there anything I can do to help them? Would trimming away the dead/severely damaged leaves be a good idea?snow whites beat up.jpg

All of my plants are snow whites (via nirvanashop). Soil is right below 7.4 PH. The ones in buckets are in MG soil (organic) with a 1/3 1/3 1/3 mix between soil/perlite/vermiculite.

The only fertilization any of my plants have had this year was this week of Super Bloom at half rate.... because of their insane grown I couldnt afford to fertilize and have them outgrow their enviroment. The bigger girls in teh ground are over 8ft tall.

Thanks for the help in advance. Bear with me, I am nub.


Just to say it. I know its a mess in there. We had a crazy storm come through a couple weeks back that literally picked up my entire greenhouse and threw it down the road leaving my plants in all their glory for all to see. Luckily Im an early riser and was able to (utilitarianly) rebuild the greenhouse before normal sane people are awake. Hence the fucked up atmosphere. I will be taking out the surrounding vegetation this week.


Well-Known Member
I don't know of anything other than make sure they have some ventilation..I mean even greenhouses aren't closed up all the time.


Oh im aware of the raggedness. Between storms/heat stress my plants kept getting beat up. Trying to make things right as the weather becomes more favorable. The questions are, is it uncommon for plants to not have started flowering this late in the year? And is there anything I can do to po l encourage it to start? They have small buds forming (what looks like buds anyways) but without hairs. Not seen that before.


Well-Known Member
I think you are starting a little early. The plants are getting too big and becoming unmanageable. I know this doesn't help you out now, but it is something to think about if you try again next year. 5 gallons buckets are way too small for plants of that size. When guys start in feb they usually 50 gallons of soil, not 5.

I'm not sure where you live, but if you are in the south or somewhere where you can grow into november, I would consider transplanting one or two.


Well-Known Member
I don't think your doing anything wrong. I think it's the heat and crazy weather like you said and it's taking a toll on your plants. My Super Silver Haze and some sweet corn I have growing is having trouble with the heat too. They are doing the same thing as your plants, starting to drop more leaves then normal. Temps in my area averaged 106*F to 110*F these last few weeks. The OG strains I'm growing this year that were breed and backcrossed right here in So Cali, not to far from where I live, are tolerating the weather no problem.

The best you can do is add a good mulch around the base of your plants and set your watering on a timer. Next year find a strain that's more heat tolerant, amend your soil with water crystals and coir, and keep on top of it. Watering using drip irrigation and soaker hoses set to a timer helps a lot, especially when paired with a good natural mulch.


@sonar: I may have been unclear, the largest plants are in the ground, not in buckets. Only two the size of t bhe small one that is burnt up are in the 5 gal.

@vindicated: I plan to switch strains next year and setup a better site for sure. This year was a disaster. I think with the greenhouse I can keep them warm eough til late oct/early nov. Last year mine were fine outside til almost mid oct, with the greenhouse I should be okay a few more weeks after.
There was mulch around them in the spring, the storm that came thru a couple weeks back had 65+mph streamline winds that removed my greenhouse, the weed fabric broke branches on my girls, etc. everything was nicer. Not great, but good. Since the storm theyve had a lot of new growth, really bounced back despite me and the weather.

Would starting a regiment of high P ferts help induce flowering? For in ground plants this size, how many gallons of nute mixed water? I mix half rate ferts in one gal jugs at a time. And should I water with straight water after the fert mix to help water it in or just the nute mixed water? Ive not had to fertilize this year with the crazy growth theyve had on their own (good soil I guess). Theyre 8 ft in ground, this is new territory for me. Thanks for bearing with me and the advice.