Yeild Estimate?

is 3lbs off a 4x8 table with 2 1000watters over it using ebb and flow sound like an unreasonable expectation?

i am planning 3 of these tables perpetual 3 week rotations with 2 1000watters over each table


Well-Known Member
No thats not unreasonable thats 1.5 lbs per light.....that is a goal within reach.....will you yield that much? i dont know is this your first grow? if yes then probably not...


is 3lbs off a 4x8 table with 2 1000watters over it using ebb and flow sound like an unreasonable expectation?

i am planning 3 of these tables perpetual 3 week rotations with 2 1000watters over each table
I hope the marijuana Gods don't smite you. My mentor told me not to think of precise yields until you get some growing under your belt.


Well-Known Member
is 3lbs off a 4x8 table with 2 1000watters over it using ebb and flow sound like an unreasonable expectation?

i am planning 3 of these tables perpetual 3 week rotations with 2 1000watters over each table
Jesus that sounds like a mountain of work. Three separate tables of perpetual harvest..and you haven't even grown yet? You must walk before you run grasshopper.


Active Member
it depends on strain, size of plants, alot of things. dont think about yield, think about getting it to harvest first.


Well-Known Member
is 3lbs off a 4x8 table with 2 1000watters over it using ebb and flow sound like an unreasonable expectation?

i am planning 3 of these tables perpetual 3 week rotations with 2 1000watters over each table
3lbs is quite obtainable. I average 2 to 2.5 lbs on a 3x8 flood and drain table in my sog grow-op and I am in the process of upgrading my 2 tables to 4x8's , I got one finished and loaded up with 104 clones that went straight into flower from the aero clones. Hoping to do 3 to 3.5 on the larger tables. But a lot variables need to be considered, like your # of plants, strain (I like ak's best )humidity,temps,CO2,ect,ect

I have been running flood and drain SOG tables for over 2 years but did not achieve steady results untill a year ago. The first year was a learning experiance even though I thought I knew what I was doing lol. Trying different strains,nutes, adding CO2, timer and ventalation problems, a continuing battle with spider mites. It takes a lot to get your room dialed I wish you luck my friend and I will be glad to share my limited experiance in any way I can. Here is a cpl pics of my flood tables in action.

