yellow dots on leaves (pics)


this plant is about three weeks old and has been growing very well but these yellow dots started forming this morning. Im curious to what is causing it because i check everyday for bugs??? need help


Well-Known Member
have u given the plant any nutrient, it might be a little bit low, so you could feed it about 0.4 EC of nutrient, and it should do fine


have u given the plant any nutrient, it might be a little bit low, so you could feed it about 0.4 EC of nutrient, and it should do fine
naww i have it in some miracle grow soil and i use regular water. thats get great sunlight everyday so how should i give it nutrients???


Well-Known Member
well thats good. Give it a flush with three times the usual amount of fresh water. Cut back on the nutes.


well thats good. Give it a flush with three times the usual amount of fresh water. Cut back on the nutes.
okk thanks man but how should i cut back on nutes cause its only sitting in a pot wit miracle grow soil. im not using anything else??


Well-Known Member
thats prob your problem. The miricle grow might have to much in it. Man to tell you the truth I dont know. As my name says I am dirt free! lol good luck hopfully a dirt grower can help ya out.