Yellow/dying leaves in Flower...THANK YOU in advance!!


Active Member
ugh, this is frustrating...I've done countless hours of research but just can't put my finger on what is going on. :wall: My leaves are turning yellow and dying. Thank you for taking a look!


Thought it may have been a lack of nitrogen but other leaves have the nitrogen claw
Because my runoff is in the 5's...would this be a lockout?
I'm using tap water...maybe to hard?
I'm only using a half dose of nutrients so i doubt its that but ?

Here's the specs

2x600 hps
70-87 degrees
40% humidity
fox farm ocean forest
Month into flower

1/2 dose of:
silica blast
liquid karma
pro bloom

Tap Water PH'd to 6.5-6.8
Runoff PH 5.5


Active Member
how long did the plant veg? and how often do you feed with nutes? fox farm is kinda a heavy feeder bet ur over doin the nutes..a light flush maybe in order..pour in water till it starts to run out the lil holes in the bottem count to three stop watering and let the soil dry. resume watering and feeding... try 25% with nutes exp if ur using that many diff ones.


Active Member
thanks for the reply.

They vegged for like 2-3 months. I usually feed them twice in a row, then plain water. They get watered about every 3 days I've flushed a couple of them in it seemed to help a bit but not much


Well-Known Member
yr in soil u say? i think maybe lockout due to low ph. if u look on the right side of the chart(soil side) it shows n intake in the 6 range. maybe up yr ph so the runoff is in the 6 range. peace


Active Member
thanks for the response..

yeah, I suspect a PH lockout as well...(assuming runoff ph is a good indicator of the actual ph of the soil...i've heard contrasting things about this) frustrating part is there seems to be no way to fix it..I've added lime a month ago and didn't seem to do much to change the runoff


looks like low N to me. Does it start on your large leaves first?? Some of my diesel just did the same thing late week 4 of bloom. I was running fox farm OF in 3.5 gal pots. I suspected N def or ph. I use 6.3 water so suspected low ph lockout, but low and behold it was 7.0 runoff. How are you measuring run-off? I measure first cup or so of run off and then again when a larger amount has collected. I even bought a cheap soil PH meter to ease my mind. Most of the time soil should bring it to 7.0, especially fox farm, especially with that lime you added. The real question is how big are your plants and how big are your pots??? My issue was the 3.5 gal pots. Foxfarm is great, but around week 4 of bloom in such small pots the soil nuts are used. I was only using half strength micro (n) and no grow nuts. Your issue could be a serious N def. If they aren't showing any signs of burning, why not try a full dose of N. I upped N and did one feeding including the veg nuts. My leaves obviously never turned back green, but all new growth and buds were greeeeeeen and the yellowing slowed and stopped.

Here's a pic around week 5 i think. Still some yellowing, but a happy girl.


And right before harvest.... :lol:




Active Member
I'm measuring runoff with the good old GH ph drops. Plants are about 2-3 feet (if they weren't tied down) in 2.5-3 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
I looks as though you have a couple things going on here. Nitrogen and something else. I don't believe it's lack of nitrogen in the medium as in my experience the yellowing of the larger leave is more uniform for a true N def and there is no chlorosis until the leaf is completely devoid of any N. Do you bubble the chlorine out of your water? I used to constantly chase my tail until I started bubbling my water before giving the it to the plants or adding nutes. Bubbling does a couple things, as I said it gets rid of the chlorine(repeat after me, "chlorine will kill my plants"). IMHO more importantly it allows the PH to stabilize. Bubble before and after adding nutes. When I add nutes(100% organic) my ph will bottom at about about 5.2 and usually rise a point or more within 36 hours. You do NOT want this PH swing in the medium, would you water/feed one day at 6.0 then feed the same plant the next day at 7.0? I hope not, but if your not ensuring a stable PH BEFORE you give it to your girls that may be exactly what your doing. I used to use fox farms as well. Everything beautiful until the 3rd or 4th week of flower they it went to shit, every time. I really believe that any FFOF grow is doomed if you do not add a good amount of lime. FFOF uses oyster shells to stabilize ph which is good. But the plants feed on the MG/Calcium of the shells(regardless of whether you suppliment or not they will still feed on the shells AND whatever else you give them) which removes the ability of the mix to buffer the soil and over time becomes quite acidic. You can ph your solution/water till your hearts content but unless the SOIL ph is in line your going to have problems. Hope this helps some and good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm measuring runoff with the good old GH ph drops. Plants are about 2-3 feet (if they weren't tied down) in 2.5-3 gallon pots.
Have no idea what gh drops are but get a digital meter we are growing marijuana here . The run off is telling you the actual ph of the soil and at 5.5 this is far too low and causing all your issues bro. Get the run off to 6.5 by watering with 7.5 next time to adjust the ph. Some plants dont recover if the ph problem has gone on for too long.


Active Member
2- 3 month veg..........rootbound, double ya pot size.
2-3 months in a 3 gallon pot........... It's staring you in the face. Your nute uptake is up the shitter because you are rootbound. Yes you may be def in many things but you won't be able to correct it until you give your roots what they need.


Active Member
Thanks for the response...No, I don't bubble my water. By that you mean a pump with an airstone?

I've desperately been trying to raise the PH of my soil...I've top dressed with lime but doesn't seem to have done much