yellow edges


I have one seedling. It sprouted two weeks ago in Fox Farms ocean forest organic potting soil. Its in a 3 gallon bucket, and gets watered whenever it looks almost completely dry on top of soil with double purified water. The ph in the soil is right above the 7.0 mark on the ph/ moisture reader.

I have been feeding it Roots Organic nutrients at less than half the recommended amount every other water, according to the schedule that came with the nutes. I have 4, 23 watt CFL bulbs with plenty of reflective material in the enclosure. The edges of the leaves are starting to turn yellow, and the first two leaves that sprouted are dropping. The plant is about 5 inches tall, and i just moved the lights to about a foot away from the top.

The enclosure is a small book shelf, with one 4-inc PC fan for intake at the bottom, and I have 2 4-inch exhaust fans at the top of the enclosure. there is also a small 6-inch desk fan pointed towards the lights in the enclosure. When lights are on, temps range from 80-84 F, and when lights are off temps range from 74-80 F. Humidity is constantly between 40-50%

Anyone know why the edges of the leafs are starting to turn yellow?



Active Member
Don't feed anything but water for the next couple weeks , Fox farm ocean forest is already loaded with nutes and is usually good for most plants for at least a month on it's own without any added nutrients.
Most farmers prefer to stay away from fox farm ocean forest for seedlings because of this, it is very rich


Well-Known Member
You are burning it more than likey as 1337 said. With that soil you will be good for about a 3-4 weeks before you have to feed any nutes


Active Member
flushing organics is sorta like brushing your hair with a tooth brush..wrong tool for the job completely. Flushing is particularly good at removing salts and excess amounts of water soluble nutrients but is mainly reserved for coco / hydro applications or applications where you are using synthetics that may build up an excess of those salts or a toxic nutrient buildup.

that is the danger of going organics and over fertilizing.the damage you do is not as quickly reversed as in the other applications and often times manifests itself slower than in coco or hydro.. That being said your grow is not screwed, your plant is young and the root zone / foliage has a long time to bounce back and use up those nutrients in the soil. In the future cut the ffof with another mix for your young plants and don't even bother feeding for the first couple weeks, then start low and slow on your feedings. Personally I find with these popular grow shop soils, its the tiny frills like kelp ,humics/fulvics , aloe or silica that really jump start things, not the bottled NPK since that is generally covered.


New Member
For babies/ clones/ transplants I find that a little root inoculation coupled with some kelp/seaweed does wonders.
This simple mix will give visible/ lush growth results over night and help to prevent any shock.
Remember to use RO, so no trace elements etc. will kill the mirco life.

FoxF is a great product IMO, sorry to all the haters.. However, it is lacking some beneficials.
Knowing when to apply a hot soil is the trick.
Early Veg something as basic as black gold or sunshine mix will do you just fine.
LOW N-P-K ratio, think about it like a supplement you would get from a store i.e. GNC.
When starting a nutrient regiment (in humans) the body can only absorb so many nutrients at one.
If you overdose your system protein shakes, what happens? You either shit your brains (waste) out or cannot shit at all and your stomach hurts (body cannot break down/over fert)..
Same concept goes for plants. Providing too much of a product will result in waste or over fertilization.
When your body is overly saturated with a supplement it can make you lethargic during the break down process.
Same concept for slow growth in MMJ, there is too much happening for the plant to break down its nutrients.
Burnt leaves is your plant telling you it cannot take a crap/ hurting stomach.
(Sorry for the crude analogy.)

In the early stages of a plants life a healthy medium, good environment and sufficient lighting are more important than N-P-K.