yellow/heat spots


Active Member
i have three plants and one of them has started showing yellow spots on it. ive had a few problems where ive noticed the heat in the room is around 95. not sure if these spots are due to heat or not. also the humidity in the room is pretty low (40ish). im adding a humidifier tomorrow. any help on what could be causing these spots would be great.
thanks guys



Active Member
its on a drip system in my growroom. the averge temp is around 85. ive just had a few spikes around 95. not sure if those spikes could be the cause.


Active Member
2 Weeks ago i had some heat spikes in my Grow room. got up to 99.. my leaves looked simaliar to wha happen to yours... i would get a couple of fans put them in the corners just to keep things cooler... One 8 in fan in the corner of my room the temp stays at about 76 ish now. Maybe its the heat.. I may be completely wrong but i think its right. :weed:


Active Member
yea i have a fan in there now. my initial heat problem was that i put my thermometer in the wrong place. so my room was about 80 but under my lights at the leaves the heat was around 95-100. i fixed that about five days ago and the plants have been growing like crazy since then. im thinking that the humidity being low and heat being high is the problem. we'll see.


Active Member
not really sure what a "reggi" plant is. they're just some bagseeds to get a grow or two under my belt before i get some good plants.