Yellow Jackets

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
does any one know how to get rid of yellow jackets. i was just weed eating the yard and them sons of bitches just lite me up . i ran to the screen porch forgot to close the door and they were pouring in. i started to take my shirt off they had it covered and my dog started yelping and running wild opened the house door to go inside & my dog ran in so quick he knocked me down mean while they are biting the shit out of me. got inside and damn if a bunch didnt follow me in. been bite at least 20 times. damn them bites burn like hell


Active Member
bengal spray will kill those fuckers! or if you want to have some fun. . . fill up a super soaker with soapy water with a little bleach in it! that oughta let you exact your revenge on those jackets!


Well-Known Member
Damn man that's fucked up. Wouldn't spraying them with soapy water just piss them off again and set off another attack?


Active Member
Damn man that's fucked up. Wouldn't spraying them with soapy water just piss them off again and set off another attack?

nah. . . soap and water is a safe chemical free way to get rid of flying insects such as bees and wasps because the soap clogs there pors and sticks to there wings so they cant fly. . . and the super soaker will give you more distance than any spray can

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
nah. . . soap and water is a safe chemical free way to get rid of flying insects such as bees and wasps because the soap clogs there pors and sticks to there wings so they cant fly. . . and the super soaker will give you more distance than any spray can
i think i will get my brother to do it. this same thing happened to my dad a few yrs ago but he got bite by a few hundred. put him in the hospital


thanks for the advice fellows
Not sure if you have fixed the problem but if you leave say an empty ice cream bucket outside and put orange soda (any really sugary soda) and dish soap in it, the wasps will fly into it and not be able to get out.

You'll most likely get a ton of wasps and some other insects in there.. but this is only if you weren't to just Raid the nest when they are all inside it at night.


Well-Known Member
Ever tried putting a sign in your yard that says" Please do not attack the Gardener?" with a glass of milk an cookies? It seems to work on Santa Clause....................and I'm serious about this...after you get bit next time???? Crush an aspirin in a teaspoon with like 3 drops of water and put that on your sting...IT WORKS! My mom, one time had a wasp in the house, it was chasing her around the place...she made it to the sink where she pulled out what she thought was the ant spray.....she went on the defensive and started chasing the wasp around...she hit that mother and he hit the ground.... in a rage like only a mother can produce, she sprayed that wasp till it was drowning in the spray....It slowly quit moving but never died...for 5 minutes she watched this wasp in it's death throwes, wondering why this product would not kill this perticular wasp.... then she read the label.... It was SpraynStarch....