Yellow leaf , need help.


Active Member
Hi, my plants got some yellow leaf , i remove some everyday, the ph of my soil is 6.8, my nutrient is megacrop and epsomsalt, they are in 5 gal pot outdoor, can you help me please.




Well-Known Member
Well I’m sure those trees in 5 gal pots might be a big part of the issue. Get those plants into some bigger pots! Holy gotta be rootbound, Batman.


Your issue is nothing to do with nitrogen. You hijacked someone's thread and you thought someone's reply was for your plant? First of post a pic in purple light and hope to get reliable help on someone else's thread? lol Your issue, without getting into detail or asking too many questions on someone else's magnesium related..good luck!
Wow I am new to this site and unsure of how it works . Sorry to those whom I may have some offended . Although you seem to be the only one bothered .... Today I will unsubscribe from this site and go else where . Thanks for your 2 cents . Have a good day and God bless you


Global Moderator
Staff member
Wow I am new to this site and unsure of how it works . Sorry to those whom I may have some offended . Although you seem to be the only one bothered .... Today I will unsubscribe from this site and go else where . Thanks for your 2 cents . Have a good day and God bless you
Simply a misunderstanding & nothing more.

This type of forum can be tricky as one person starts a thread & then another post's a like (or not) problem & unless someone quotes your post it can be unclear whom is being replied to.

The simple way to avoid this is to start a new thread, provide as much environmental information as you can (lighting, nutrients, temp's etc...) and good pictures.
This way you will more than likely get a logical, cohesive response. From there you sift through them and pick the most likely issue.

Be aware that many come here to pass the time, BS & play around so just keep that in mind.

Welcome to RIU. :cool: