Yellow Leaf


Active Member
Howdy all my gardening brothers and sisters,anyone any idea whats up with this girl?If you look to the right of the cola the leaves are yellowing,Ive also noticed the leaves are becoming quite thick.Shes a Pineapple Express auto,8 weeks old2014-02-17 22.47.57.jpgShes in soil,using bio bizz bloom and magne cal.Up until now shes been really healthy.Thanks for any help amigos,peace:leaf:


Active Member
Ok but how can it be "burnt to fuck with nute burn" when she hasnt had full strength nutes yet and my other girls are fine?

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Burnt to fuck with nute burn op don't flush or shower either ...time to flush to my blog:
Vostok, is giving out any and mostly bad advice all over the place to ramp up his total posts and gain "cred". I don't see where he comes up with nute burn when I see 0 leaf tips burnt?! If anything, you may have a deficiency. You could move this post over here, and you may find some EXERIENCED folks who would love to help you out:)

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Also, The peeps that can help you will probably ask for some more pictures to better diagnose the culprit. So if you can, take and post a few more pictures at different angles. Looks like you are off to a great start and getting closer to the home stretch. Good luck! FF


Well-Known Member
Fertilizer burn is usually first seen on end the tips of leaves.

I don't think that's nute burn.

But I don't have a clue what it is, might be pH related.


Well-Known Member
Hot temps toward top of canopy? Leaf edges are cupping upward a little so I'd check your temp. That browning leaf sort of has a cal/mag deficiency look to it, but since you are feeding cal/mag, maybe lockout from ph or too much of some other nutrient? I would check your soil ph and your nutrient ppm and run-off ppm.


Well-Known Member
Vostok, is giving out any and mostly bad advice all over the place to ramp up his total posts and gain "cred". I don't see where he comes up with nute burn when I see 0 leaf tips burnt?! If anything, you may have a deficiency.
:clap: What he said!


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys,obviously Im very inexperienced compared to you guys but I reckon its light burn/bleaching,all my other girls are good and Ive not been giving full strength nutes-5ml per litre of bio bizz bloom and the same of magne cal.This girl was directly under my lamp,a 600w hps,and I didnt notice until I checked my pictures after (I always seem to notice things better when looking at pics) but its like shes taken a final stretch,not sure if thats normal?But yeah,thanks for the help.
I meant to say,Im no photographer and I just use the camera on my phone thats why my pics are shit!In future though I will try and take better pics if Im after a diagnosis.


Active Member
Heres a snap of all my girls together-the two on the far left and right are my first ever grow,hopefully not long now 'till Im toking on them!!;-)2014-02-20 02.38.46.jpg


Active Member
Yeah it was definitely the heat,some of the leaves were dried right out and crispy.All sorted now though!;-)