yellow leaves 5th week into flowering, is this normal?


Active Member
hi guys this is my first grow .im lookin for a little help is it normal for leave to be turnning yellow on the 5th week of flowering? DSC03275.jpgDSC03274.jpgDSC03272.jpgDSC03267.jpgDSC03270.jpg all the new growth seems to be lookin very healty. plz i need help asap .peace


Well-Known Member
yep .. mine even startet at week 2 .. maybe a littel N def.

and now in 5 week I can take off a few evry day ... normal .. plant just use it reserves as food for its bud production ..

its fall .. perfectly normal for plants to show signs of the end ..

and yea looking good ;)

do you use anything to boost bud production ? Bat guano ? green sensasion ? Rippen ?


Active Member
thats good to hear thanks lads ,i tought she was getting ill on me.

iv only be using bio bloom in the flowering stage im on 3.5ml per litter and im uppin the dose 0.5ml each feed. should i add another nut stoner? peace :)
and fyi i have her under 330w of cfl ,2700k


Well-Known Member
no 6500K bulbs added ? one or two can actualy do a diffrent .. specialy near the very end .. schould help trics/crystal production ..

I mix mine up .. even in Veg .. 80/20% and 20/80% so to speak ..

if the plant look helthy and your happy with the bud growth ther is no need to add more or anything ..

tho a end rip product can easily add 5-10% end product as I understand ..

(not any real experiance here .. but I just did a bit research on the topic as I wanted to see if I could do a bit extra now after months of work .. so I found this product from Plagron calld Green Sensasion .. pretty expensiv .. but I got a small 100 ml bottel as I dont need much for my two plants ..and also want to see if I like it before useing 80$ for 1L)

read a lot of nice stuff about it .. schould be used from week 4 in flowering to the end .. for extra bud production ..

up to you .. not trying to sell you anything .. do some research/google it ..


Well-Known Member
Yes perfectly normal, I cut mine off, prune every day. If you cut them cut them by the leaves not the stem, let the stem dry off and fall by itself. Once they get that yellow they are not doing anything but wasting energy. As they yellow I cut, I never cut a green one.


Well-Known Member
I notice that if a leave starting yellowing .. it still attatch .. if I leave it a day more it become completly yellow and I only have to tutch it and it fall of by its self ..


Well-Known Member
The yellowing is perfectly normal. If you look at pic number 4, the green leaf, you do have a slight nute issue. If you are going light go a little heavier, if you are going heavy, go a little lighter. Either way you're far enough along it should finish out ok.


Well-Known Member
yea I was think the same .. mine just startet week 5 (begon 12/12 monday th 4/6 so all in all 30 days in)


and hopeing the bat guano povder and green sensasion I just gave em will help stack them flower :D

I may add its kush .. so I schould not have more then 30-35 days left ..


Active Member
It has been in the 12/12 cycle for 5 weeks, so technically, it's only been flowered for 2 weeks. Thank you for being so.. Observant.


Active Member
It has been in the 12/12 cycle for 5 weeks, so technically, it's only been flowered for 2 weeks. Thank you for being so.. Observant.
As soon as you switch to 12/12 it's in flower my friend.
Mine at 3 weeks after switching to 12/12... Just sayin.

Flowerwkthree 009.jpg


Active Member
Ur yellowing is normal from wat I can see. Its wen the yellowing starts in week 1 or 2. Yellowing from the bottom is a good sign. If u are yellowing at the top then u have a problem. The best thing to do is look and take pictures of your plant periodically, every 2 or 3 days so u can compare the growth, issues, and problem. It's a bitch organizing all the pics, so wat I do is stay on top of it. I am color blind of green. So seeing diff. colors of green is difficult. You can always add nitrogen to ur flower. As much as everybody says a plant doesnt use it as much and doesnt need it, why? I think the biggest thing is figuring out when to flush. I have had plants done after 50 days and I have had plants take 10 weeks. I even have a 100x hand held scope. My biggest problem with this is the first couple of plants I had I was learning wat they are and do. Right now I have an Afghan that is definitely an 8 week flower. So I will hopefully plan accordingly. 7-10 days of flush, which would be 4 or 5 waters. I have small grow rooms with one plant and a lot of air flow. So the soil dries out quickly. So maybe I should flush at 7 days before. Then u have to do 48-72hours of darkness. Do u feed during this?


Active Member
no iv no 6500k bulbs, i will have next grow tho for defo. thanks for the info man much appreciated ill check it out.