yellow leaves and when should i transfer them?


Well-Known Member
hi guys, i started a journal of my first grow in the journals section of the forum but it dosen't seems to be visible to others :idea: here is the link

So i started 15 feminised kalashnikova seeds 9 days ago and some leaves are turning yellow. Is it because of over watering? Maybe too much heat? They dont look verry strong and im not sure if its normal. When should i transfer them in 4'' pots? here they are, thanks



Well-Known Member
maybe overwatering, maybe heat stress but 78 should be fine. are u giving nutes? how often do u water?


Well-Known Member
no i didint give any nutes.

I first put the small soil cups in water 5.6ph for 30 minutes and put the germinated seeds in it. After 3 days i could see that the soil was a little bit dry so i watered them only once in 9 days. Now they dont seem to be strong and healthy...

They are under a 40watt fluorescent growlight, 24hour at about 78 degree, is it ok? When should i transfer them in bigger pots?

hehe after only 9 days of my first grow i already have issues, i hope everything will be fine. Thanks for your answers


Well-Known Member
no i didint give any nutes.

I first put the small soil cups in water 5.6ph for 30 minutes and put the germinated seeds in it. After 3 days i could see that the soil was a little bit dry so i watered them only once in 9 days. Now they dont seem to be strong and healthy...

They are under a 40watt fluorescent growlight, 24hour, is it ok? When should i transfer them in bigger pots?

hehe after only 9 days of my first grow i already have issues, i hope everything will be fine. Thanks for your answers
some say 24 hrs of light is not good, but i have my mothers in soil under 24 hr flouro's and they love it. but 24 hrs of light under my 1000w hps i wouldnt do. my plants get tired after about 14 hrs and seem to love the rest at night. just so u know im flowering my 1st grow right now so i am also a bit of a noob. im only trying to give my best advice from my experiences and opinions. can u see roots coming out of the bottom of yr plugs? if so its time to transplant. also u can give 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutes after 2 weeks old. ive learned that less is more. us noobs love to try to give and give to our girls, but u just have to step back and be patient.


Well-Known Member
wow very nice i'm jealous :D What strains is that? do you have a journal?

yes i can see like one root coming out of some cups. I thought i had to wait for more roots to come out and then transfer them in 4'' pots.

Hey after how many days did you switch from fluorescent light (seedling) to your 1000 watt (vegetating)? Did you go on vegetating the moment you tranfered them in bigger pots? Did your babies looked like mine or you can say that mine are not healthy?


Well-Known Member
no i dont have a journal but i have had a few minor problems. u can click on my name and go to my home page and view all my threads. check em out. most threads are of problems tthat ive had. when theyre healthy i dont really post. ive got wonder woman, bubblelicious, snow white, blueberry, and 2 mexican bagseeds.they are all supposed to be very similar in grow height and flowering time. next grow im going w just 1 strain. and ive vegged em under 1000whps the whole time. i plan to get a flouro for next veg so i can start a perpetual. i started on weak nutes(1/4 strength) and worked up. even now im only at 550ppm and the feeding chart calls for 1050ppm, way too strong. i burnt mine a lil at 660ppm. honestly i must say yr babies look a lil sickly. i dnt think their gonners. theres got to be something holdin them down. WAIT! i just looked at yr pics again. are they in a humidity dome!?!? if they are take it off.


Well-Known Member
so many things to read and learn, i didint know i had to take off the dome after i saw the first 2 leaves, thanks for telling me :-?

Today there are more yellow spots on more leaves, it freaks me out. I hope that the dome was the problem


Hey cloudz, I'm growing some Kalash right now too. When I started them I put the directly in rockwool and let them sprout and then put them in a DWC setup. To me they seem like picky plants. My two main strains our the kalash and ladyburn, the ladyburn flourished but the kalash were picky. I put them in the dwc once I saw a root coming out of the bottom of the wool. They started out ok but at first they couldn't take to much nutes. I burned them at half strength when they were about three weeks old. Get that standing water out of there, and at that size I had them transplanted. Sorry if this post sounds messed up, I drank a little to much today.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks I moved them today in 4'' pots and changed the light 400hps and will do 16/8. I started giving them rhizotonic and i started the fans also today to move the hot air out of the tent

they are now 2 weeks old and still look bad :(



Well-Known Member
hey bud sorry i took so long to get back to u. how they doin? hope theyre recovering. thats some good info from jgs. some strains are very picky. i think your issue is a combo of a few things- maybe nute burn, but definetly humidity dome. also they may have had a lack of fresh air along w excess humidity. theyre very vulnerable at such a young age. i hope they pull out of it but u might want to order more seed now if u plan to buy some in the future anyways. watch the new growth for signs of improvement. the old growth will probably stay damaged. peace


Well-Known Member
sorry i just re read yr info about how u havent given nutes. sometimes its hard to tell the difference between nute burn and deficiency. maybe u got a slight def.


Well-Known Member
They look much beter now, i posted some pics in my journal. Lol if you weren't there to tell me about the dome, they would probably be dead today hehe thanks again