Yellow leaves during flowering


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I'm not really sure if this is normal in flowering stages or not.
My Currant Kush is starting her 5th week of flowering, but from one day to another it started to yellow some of her leaves. I thought it was nitrogen deficiency, so I gave her 1ml of biogrow per liter (its soil is ALL MIX). But after that it shown some signs of over fert in the tip of her leaves. So i'm not sure of continue giving her more biogrow or stop doing that (In addition to the bio-grow I'm giving her 2ml of bio-bloom & 2ml of top-max per liter, but haven't had any problem with those nuts).
So this is my question, Is it normal in flowering stage to start droping some leaves or I should feed her better?
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Thaaanks !
If leaves become a burden to the plant,the plant will consume what starches are stored in them and drop the leaf.Leaves become a burden when they dont have access to light.Also the plant will preferentially use stored starches for bud growth,so a few yellowing large fans arent a big deal in flower.You want to make sure you feed a little nitrogen though,to help maintain the majority of the foilage through flower.
If leaves become a burden to the plant,the plant will consume what starches are stored in them and drop the leaf.Leaves become a burden when they dont have access to light.Also the plant will preferentially use stored starches for bud growth,so a few yellowing large fans arent a big deal in flower.You want to make sure you feed a little nitrogen though,to help maintain the majority of the foilage through flower.
thanks !, I fed her with nitrogen but as you can see in the photos, it shown a little bit nut burn in the tip of the leaves, so I'll just continue with bio-bloom and top-max :3
they look great. at 5 weeks it's normal for this to start happening. You can always trim the yellow leaves. As long as the top leaves dont start yellowing you might not even need to feed it nitrogen.
Hi agains guys, starting her 7th week, here is how she looks like now.
Should I feed her with nitrogen or still she still good?
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looks like she`d go 2 to 4 weeks I do like all the fan leaf to fall off so I have less cutting to do

I just look at the buds then the leaf and see by the time I`m 2 weeks from cut I like to see the top fans starting to yellow or I feel like I`ve wasted nitrogen... I don`t mind wasting K but not N, lol
you should be feeding some nitrogen all the way through flower.Until the last few days before chop.
thats actually not 100% right the plant really doesn't utilize nitrogen to the point where you need to supplement it after aBOUT week 5 .. if your using a 3 part line the micro and bloom are all thats needed to flush... but to each his own..
Hi agains guys, starting her 7th week, here is how she looks like now.
Should I feed her with nitrogen or still she still good?
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you look fine its more fans dying off like someone said earlier the plants going to drop certain leaves to open up for light and sometimes they just drop and yellow slightly early depending on the strain... trust me if you were having nitrogen deficiency it wouldn't look like that .. your plants are fine
you look fine its more fans dying off like someone said earlier the plants going to drop certain leaves to open up for light and sometimes they just drop and yellow slightly early depending on the strain... trust me if you were having nitrogen deficiency it wouldn't look like that .. your plants are fine
the plants focus isn't on veg right now its focus is on developing a flower that normally would be protecting the seeds so the plants like will carry on to the next year..
forcing the feed of nitrogen when its not needed doesnt do anything realistically other than create excess build ups and over feeding. if its not needed why feed it your just forcing the plant to uptake.
plants utilize nitrogen throughout the full cycle of their life,cannabis is no exception.They use Less during the final phase of their life and more phosphates and potassium but leaves will be maintained if possible,the plant doesnt prioritize them in flower.If you are talking about getting a plant to harvest,sure you can starve the hell out of them the last 3 weeks and they will make it.I dont know about you,but im not in this so my plant can just barely make it to harvest,I want them happy and productive..yes that means with green leaves as much as possible.
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plants utilize nitrogen throughout the full cycle of their life,cannabis is no exception.They use Less during the final phase of their life and more phosphates and potassium for leaves will be maintained if possible,the plant doesnt prioritize them in flower.If you are talking about getting a plant to harvest,sure you can starve the hell out of them the last 3 weeks and they will make it.I dont know about you,but im not in this so my plant can just barely make it to harvest,I want them happy and productive..yes that means with green leaves as much as possible.
A your not "starving it" quit exaggerating and the point is the uptake through those times are so low they don't require supplementation. I'm not sure why you want to cram excess food down your plants throat.. but like i said to each his own I'm just letting the person that started this thread its not needed.
if you are speaking about soil then i guess ya,if there is some in there.If not then you need to supplement what the plant CAN use.Just my opinion ofc just like yours.
I like aspirin and I like to yellow the leaves because I`ve paid money for nutes that are in them leaves and unless I`m making hash that`s a waste that sugar needs to be pulled into the bud, ok if you compost your fan leaves after then fine but me I`m paying money for nutes to grow buds and sugar leaf not fan leaves
I like aspirin and I like to yellow the leaves because I`ve paid money for nutes that are in them leaves and unless I`m making hash that`s a waste that sugar needs to be pulled into the bud, ok if you compost your fan leaves after then fine but me I`m paying money for nutes to grow buds and sugar leaf not fan leaves

To each his own,im personally not worried about spending .001 extra cents to slowly lower ec over the last few weeks of the plants life that ive already invested months of my time in.But thats just me I guess
To each his own,im personally not worried about spending .001 extra cents to slowly lower ec over the last few weeks of the plants life that ive already invested months of my time in.But thats just me I guess

Slowly ? 2 to 4 weeks from harvest I add feed aspirin and sugar then just sugar for 2 to 4 weeks sometimes potassium sulphate

The dextrose powder is pretty cheap at that point its more about keeping anything in the dirt from eating the plant, I hate giving just water because then anything in the rootzone like bugs or whatever they start to eat the plants a lot faster

but aspirin makes them yellow the leaves faster

but your probably the kinda guy who eyes up his milky/amber and feeds to the end then cures for a few months before the 1st proper tasting ?