Yellow leaves/green veins, lower/big shade leaves dropping off. Over watering?


:sad: Have been watering every 2-3 days, feeding every watering with recommended water/nutes solution of General Organics Biothrive 4-3-3 and Humic acid. Have started flushing/no nutes since yellowing...about 5 days now.
Water PH balanced to 6.5. However water over-drip through soil is PH 5.
Outdoor temps 100+. Using large ceramic 12 gallon pot. Pot gets warm from sunlight.


This is one of five plants, the other four do NOT have this problem. This is a Blue Dream clone and stands about 4 ft with a 3.5 ft spread. Leaves also slightly turn downward.

Thank you for all help.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
they look starved. i was looking for a leaf nutrition deficiancy chart, couldn't find it. check out the "plant problems" area, more help may be there. GL


Well-Known Member
what stage of growth is the plant in

also what part of the plant did the leaf come from. is it isolated to that part?


Well-Known Member
looks like them leaves might have been curling down where they like a cats claws post a pic of the plant if so you probably have been feeding them way to much hard to tell with so little info


Planted clone 7 weeks ago in Dr. Earth Home Grown Premium Soil. Added some high quality organic nutes to soil at time of planting, label says will not burn plants.
Plant has thrived until this yellowing that started about 2 weeks ago. The yellowing started in lower, older leaves and has now moved up to the middle of plant targeting mainly large older shade leaves.
I was worried I had over watered. I will take photo of whole plant Friday. About 20% of leaves affected. There is new young growth and some of it is yellowing in the lowers. I fed recommended amount of nutes for regular feeding as directed on label... and fed every time I water.

And yes those leaves do curl down like a cats claw. I was thinking too much food. Too much water. So I started flushing 5 days ago, no changes yet...looks the same.

I have one other plant that looks like it has heat stress...looks very yellowing...had same feeding schedule. But is getting burned by intense heat.
Thanks you guys for all your responses.


And yes those leaves do curl down like a cats claw. I was thinking too much food. Too much water. So I started flushing 5 days ago, no changes yet...looks the same.


What do you think about the water that has traveled through the soil/pot to having a PH of 5? My soil is that acid? Normal?

I used same soil, nutes and setup last year & had very little to none of this yellow leaf problem.


Active Member
if it's outdoors - I would water everyday if its 90 or a hundred degrees. the soil doesn't really need fertilizer added so be careful adding liquid fertilizer on top of all that. they wouldn't flower outdoors until august or september naturally so you might want to trigger flowering early if you think they are dying (12 hrs of dark at night).


Well-Known Member
yea that seams way to low could be lock out but it you leaves are like cat claws that is a clear sign of over fert do they relase over time i usaly only feed my plant 2 times a month or whenever they are hungery when a plant is over waterd the leaves will look droopy not like cat claws seems like maby you tryed to fix the yellowing with nutes and have over feed also looks like your ph is probably locking out nutes 5 is relly low runoff if run off is 5 then bring your water ph up and try to get run off to around 6.5 adding some dolomite lime will add alkiline to the soil and help with the ph problem hope this helps
good luck!


Well-Known Member
no problem your ph is to low probably because of all of the ferts you have been giveing it man try and flush you pots out and dont feed agin for a while that should help rember you can killl your plants with love we want to give out plants everythign they need to grow the best. but sometimes it isnt the best i used to check out my plants likw 12 times a day and have also over fert on my first grow. stick with it dont tell anyone not even your closest frind trust me on this one you will slowly learn from your mistakes and get better over time. get your self a ph meter a digitle one and check your water ph before you give your plants water. i got one for 7 dollers on amazon and worked great for over a year. best of luck

much love


Well-Known Member
Could be wrong but....My guess is low ph has caused a lockout of cal/mag. Been there done it. The green veins are what I'm going by