Yellow leaves in soil


Hi there friends!
Just some thoughts....
Iam growing under a 250w hps for last couple of days, been using an 125w cfl before, still in veg thou for like 4 weeks...

Some of the leaves are turning yellow, shall I cut it or just leave it? Iam using only organic soil and nutrients... Ph around 6... Only the tips are turning yellow, some of the leaves also turns up, or more like the side of the leaves....

Any thoughts around this?

King regards!


Well-Known Member
dont cut off unless they just come off with a lil pull on the leaf, and are u feeding it anything


Well-Known Member
Wait. I jus re-read. Ure already using nutes? How big is the plant? They dont need nutes for a while..


Aa okey, it feels like it could be overheating, atleast the leave sides turns up...

I use the finger a couple of cm down in the soil to feel if its still wet... also wen they seems abit "hangy" and if its like 4 days since I watered them, I water them.

They are about 5 weeks... 2 of 3 looks fine thou... Iam gonna try to arange some pictures....


Well-Known Member
i kepp my six hundred about 2 feet above plants with only a small fan to keep temps down and it works


i kepp my six hundred about 2 feet above plants with only a small fan to keep temps down and it works
It gets around 30c wen I lower the lamp. They are around 10 cm from the lamp... The fan isnt very good... Probably need another one...

Well, I´ll try to adjust the hight so it keeps aroundn 27c... Thats alright, isn´t?