yellow leaves lower some spotting

damn man thanks for the good info i have no soil to transplant till 2marro which sucks but i will asap! im going to use happy frog ill let u know how she does with the transplant will a 3.3 gal be ok for budding or too much? again thanks man from now on i might just come ask u if i got problems lol


Well-Known Member
but em in 5 gal wait 10-14 days preferably 2 weeks let the roots settle in and grow out into the pot , then flower!

be sure to losen up the root ball not too much were your damaging or disturbing the roots to much but just enough to were it doesnt look all plasterd in , be sure to give it a good watering after transplants , if you can add in/mix some dolomite lime into that happy frog id do 12 tbls per bag. Why?

:it has a natural source of cal/mag.
:happy frog ph is really low .Dlime will balance the ph out


Well-Known Member
this was with no Nutes just soil n tap water , you dont need all that expensive shit , this was in homedepot/walmart garnden dept, kellogs patio plus soil added about 8tbls of D.lime . this was only 14 days veg from clone (I never even test my ph )


so my soil didnt come today which is gay af ima have to go down to the green thumb and get some ocean forest will that be ok? cause my happy frog isnt coming till tuesday!!!! bastards told me monday today! wtf


Well-Known Member
honestly man you can go to homedepot and get that patio plus its only 5 dollars but if you have the money like that and your not on a budget then yea FFOC is good transplant em and give em a heavy watering ,1/4 strength nutes
thanks stlbudz i just said ffof cause at my hydro store its only 20 bux for 1.5 cubic foot!!! thats way cheaper then ebay an i ordered some 5 gal fabric pots thanks for all the help man been a life saver i just put some blue cheeseXsour diesel ( cheesel) is what i like to call it an ima 12/12 from seed on that 1 but if i have any more probs ill be sure to come to this thread. u got a real nice looking plant there though man whats the new strains u got going on? ive took a look at your journals got a nice variety man


Well-Known Member
yeah i mess around with alot of diffrent 1s, I got candyland, gdp, phantom cookies, blue dream, blackjack , medusa, og and some others its my first link
ok so the post office told me friday my happy frog soil would come tuesday an it came today the same day i went to get some ocean forest :confused: so i mixed about a gallon an a half of each together an mixed 6 tblsp of dolomite lime probably 30-40 percent pearlite think thats good? or need something else?


Well-Known Member
seems solid to me, 30 % percent would be better IMO, and 6 tblsp for the whole bag is good Idk for the pot thats a lil to much unless it was a 5-7 gallon pot
i used a 3 gallon pot an i mixed in around 6 tblsp in 4.5 gallons of soil an shes doing good no transplant shock i tested the ph after the watering an it said 7.2 im hoping to go into budding in two weeks is that possible or is there too much nitrogen in that fox farm soil? i mixed happy frog an ffof together


Well-Known Member
If your going to flower in 2 weeks your good let it soak up all that N , besides N is Necessary the first 2-3 weeks of flower due to stretching creating bud sites and some new foliage, Yea vegging for 2 weeks in that 3 gallon(i would have done 5 but 3 is good) is plenty of time to recuperate from all that stress if possible id recommend hitting them with some Superthrive you can get it at a hydroshop or homedepot for 10 bucks very highly recommended !

If you choose to take the advice then hit them with 5 ml(1tsp) of superthrive on your next feed , super thrive is only to be used during veg and no more than 2x in a plants life


Well-Known Member
If you transplanted already your good, but next time if you plan to veg for 4 weeks or something do 5 gallon,yeah they will have it at homedepot
alright cool cause i was planning on ordering some 5 gal fabric pots i still will for later on. i ordered some seeds from herbies still waiting though friday was 2 weeks hopefully be here soon i ordered shark widow feminized, hawaian skunk haze, and world of strawberries weird name lol