Yellow leaves , please help .


Well-Known Member
Hello ,

I grow 3 autoflower plant's in growing tent under 240W blackstar led since begining of april .
Light sicle was 24/0 and a week ago i change to 20/4 .
I adjust water ph level to 6.6-6.8 .
Temperatures are between 27-30 c .

4 day's ago i notice in 1 plant yellow leaves :

So i start to use nutes and gave her 2ml/L bio grow 2 days ago and now the plant look like that :

Please help ...


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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Their hungry. You waited to long to start feeding for the soil their in.
So, you started feeding. That's good, but here's a few things to remember.
1: Only the N def will look like it's repaired. Any other damage will remain with any correction showing in the new growth.
2: In soil it will take 5-7 days to begin to show any change. In hydro 3-5 days.

So then, after only 2 days your looking for something that is not there yet. Be patient, time is on your side.

With the size of the plant. Up the nutrient level to 75% of the listed amount and increase over the next 2 weeks to full strength.


Well-Known Member

Update !!!
Im watering the plant's about 2 times a week , one watering feed (Biogrow 2-3ml/l , biobloom 2-3ml/l , topmax 1ml/l) and the other watering i used alg-a-mic 2 ml/l .

Still i can see that the plant isnt healthy . is it nute burn or the plant still hungry ?



Well-Known Member
stop watering........stop feeding. water when pot is light to lift, and not sooner. those plants are stunted, with purple stems, and signs of burn, this is a case of the "too much," not, "too little," in my humble opinion.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Flushing will take care of nutrient "over-load" Can be "n" toxicity (leaves look like a claw) what's you light distance from plants and do you a ventilation (fans)?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The NEW GROWTH looks fine! Keep going!!!! The damage you see was there in your first picks! I just zoomed your 2 whole plant pics and the leaf tips on all the NEW growth are GOOD!!!!

DO NOT FLUSH! Flushing soil can start other problems!!!! You flush toilets,,,not soil grows!!!

The only grow you flush is Coco!

LOOK closer you guys!!!! Start with his first pics from almost a month ago!!!


Well-Known Member
The NEW GROWTH looks fine! Keep going!!!! The damage you see was there in your first picks! I just zoomed your 2 whole plant pics and the leaf tips on all the NEW growth are GOOD!!!!

DO NOT FLUSH! Flushing soil can start other problems!!!! You flush toilets,,,not soil grows!!!

The only grow you flush is Coco!

LOOK closer you guys!!!! Start with his first pics from almost a month ago!!!
wait how would you suggest getting rid of tip burn if you dont flush soil? and a few months ago it was another problem, now it looks like hes giving them too much nutes. but as long as the burns dont progress to new growth, id hold off on the flush.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
1: If the very ends of a leaf tip are yellow or brown, and I mean like maybe the first 1/8 inch.....That does not say nute "burn" to me....It says that the nutrition being given is right at the edge of to much.....MANY nutrient makers list feeding schedules that give this "edge of to much" look. It's done because new/novice growers demand the best,biggest, strongest and fastest buds they can get.
The makers give you a "hot" edge of the cliff feed ratios to keep up with all the others doing it making overblown claims (simply look at AN,,,yeah it works, but at what cost?)! A very few WARN you of this. If you call the makers and discuss this with the right people they will give you a "realistic" feed ratio and you can avoid the tips......Do you have to? NO! The given feed ratios work,,,,,just it's an aggressive schedule!

2: The LOWER leaf problem seen here began almost a month ago - read the posting dates. That problem was a combo problem of heat stress and some over fertilization. (I can tell by how the damage looked then and how it looks now.

3: How to do a correction with out flushing? Simply water it for a week! When you flush soil grows you can create def's in Macro/Micro nutrients that lead to more new problems down the road....Not to mention the damage to the soil's living biosphere!
Now you have real chance's of creating pH's problems too! Long term one's that are more difficult to "cure" for the long term...

Flushing is for Coco and in some instances hydro.....I myself don't care for Coco and the extra work and monitoring involved,,,,kinda "been there done that" and don't have the urge to use in my size of an op. I still DWC during the winter because I find it fun and I generally have a group of new products to test and review....

As with anything here,,,,I try and help, explain when asked and yes, I do give opinion.......from years of experience.
The bottom line is,,,If it works for you,,,then do what works for you.....I just supply the view from the other side of your coin.

Peace dude!


Well-Known Member
1: If the very ends of a leaf tip are yellow or brown, and I mean like maybe the first 1/8 inch.....That does not say nute "burn" to me....It says that the nutrition being given is right at the edge of to much.....MANY nutrient makers list feeding schedules that give this "edge of to much" look. It's done because new/novice growers demand the best,biggest, strongest and fastest buds they can get.
The makers give you a "hot" edge of the cliff feed ratios to keep up with all the others doing it making overblown claims (simply look at AN,,,yeah it works, but at what cost?)! A very few WARN you of this. If you call the makers and discuss this with the right people they will give you a "realistic" feed ratio and you can avoid the tips......Do you have to? NO! The given feed ratios work,,,,,just it's an aggressive schedule!
too much nutes, nute burn, its the same thing, just an earlier stage. if it progressed i would have suggested a flush, if you just kept watering your plant would continue to get burned.

as for leaving your plants with constant slight tip burn like most these commercial growers try, i believe it effects taste, as do salt based nutes when they cause buildup, some organic nutes can also burn plants and it seems to have the same effect on taste/smoke however not to the extent that salt based nutes do, from experience trying to keep them right on the edge of burn has yielded better quality bud, but this is all opinionated because some people cant tell the dif between chemically grown shit thats been burnt to hell(probably pops like fireworks in the bowl, see shit like that down here in FL way too much) and organic shit that wasnt overfed for the last 8 weeks.

2: The LOWER leaf problem seen here began almost a month ago - read the posting dates. That problem was a combo problem of heat stress and some over fertilization. (I can tell by how the damage looked then and how it looks now.
looked like some overwatering too but it looks like he got it under control.

3: How to do a correction with out flushing? Simply water it for a week! When you flush soil grows you can create def's in Macro/Micro nutrients that lead to more new problems down the road....Not to mention the damage to the soil's living biosphere!
Now you have real chance's of creating pH's problems too! Long term one's that are more difficult to "cure" for the long term...

Flushing is for Coco and in some instances hydro.....I myself don't care for Coco and the extra work and monitoring involved,,,,kinda "been there done that" and don't have the urge to use in my size of an op. I still DWC during the winter because I find it fun and I generally have a group of new products to test and review....

As with anything here,,,,I try and help, explain when asked and yes, I do give opinion.......from years of experience.
The bottom line is,,,If it works for you,,,then do what works for you.....I just supply the view from the other side of your coin.

Peace dude!
never had pH problems with a flush, though i only flush with rainwater or 6.5pH water, and id make you have pretty good drainage. but yes, you could cause deficiency if you dont feed after the flush, never had this problem really, my medium is packed with nutes along with rich compost that i throw on the top soil every few weeks.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
too much nutes, nute burn, its the same thing, just an earlier stage. if it progressed i would have suggested a flush, if you just kept watering your plant would continue to get burned.

as for leaving your plants with constant slight tip burn like most these commercial growers try, i believe it effects taste, as do salt based nutes when they cause buildup, some organic nutes can also burn plants and it seems to have the same effect on taste/smoke however not to the extent that salt based nutes do, from experience trying to keep them right on the edge of burn has yielded better quality bud, but this is all opinionated because some people cant tell the dif between chemically grown shit thats been burnt to hell(probably pops like fireworks in the bowl, see shit like that down here in FL way too much) and organic shit that wasnt overfed for the last 8 weeks.

never had pH problems with a flush, though i only flush with rainwater or 6.5pH water, and id make you have pretty good drainage. but yes, you could cause deficiency if you dont feed after the flush, never had this problem really, my medium is packed with nutes along with rich compost that i throw on the top soil every few weeks.
Not the same thing....this leaf tip "burn" as you call it does not progress,,,,UNLESS you keep upping your nutrient ratio.....My Organic grows express this "yellow" tip (just the very ends) from the style of soil I build.....I see this in hydro and soil and Coco all the time from other growers....I have NEVER seen it progress up the leaf and through out the plant with out them getting an INCREASE in nutrient feeding.....This is so common it has become the new normal.....Like I said.....Nutrient makers listed schedules are hot....H&G does list it in normal and "aggressive" styles,,,,,,The normal STILL gets just the very ends of the leaf yellow. If yours do not, at all.....good for you.....your doing what works for you!

If you cure properly,,,,,it will not pop like fireworks......I say I final flush,,,,and say others should to.....But you know what.....all I do is use straight water for the last week and keep the pot a bit more damp during that time. I don't run crap loads of water through my pots to remove nutrients,,,,like I said,,it doesn't matter. If you trim and CURE properly, It will not pop like fireworks (even if it was nutrient burnt at one point)......
The only way you can tell the dif between my DWC and my soil grows are the flavors I can express from the soil ones....With a little creative supplementation in the Hydro, it can get real hard to tell the difference.

"Chemically grown shit" is an pretty broad statement....If it works for them,,,,then it's good....

Glad you haven't,,,really! It does happen.....Most think a "flush" is a gallon of water for every gallon of pot size....Not a good idea and really not a good idea for organic. I have said on here to give a quick "flush" and run water for a period of time....This is to be done by watering just until you get flow through......More like a cup of water to a gallon of pot size......this is to help remove a salt build up giving a lock out.

Look around the site. Look at the to flush or not to flush questions (final flush).....and see what I mean about the proper cure....Oh hey look it's been 12 days and my Dope is dry....time to sell and smoke = NOT!

I'm having a bad day (Staining a 550+sqft total area of decking in the blazing sun):wall: and your answer lit me up:cuss:.....Sorry, I don't MEAN to offend:lol:.....But I know I'm right on the leaf tip thing.....I've been doing this for far to long.:mrgreen:
