yellow leaves


Active Member
okay this is my second plant is 4 months in the ground in its second week of flowering...and I have these yellow leaves coming on...mostly on one next door neighbor has a chicken coop against the fence right next to where I'm growing. .I thought that might be a plus..but now I'm not so sure...can anyone help



Well-Known Member
While it might be some nutrient disorder, I would assume your girl is just getting rid of a few leaves here and there ;) You'll notice near the end of a plants life the colors will change, and some foliage may (probably will) suffer. If you havent changed your regimen and this is happening, I wouldnt worry.

Just keep an eye on things, you should be able to tell if its a problem if it starts to spread real bad. If its just a gradual loss/yellowing, probably just your lady trying to tell you its nearly time.


Well-Known Member
Looks like nitrogen deficiency to me. Do you feed them (besides relying on your neighbor's chickens)?


Active Member
Looks like nitrogen deficiency to me. Do you feed them (besides relying on your neighbor's chickens)?
thanks for the input AZ....never fed my girl in her life just water and sunshine and of course whatever the chickens want to add ...thinking about giving her some Bloom booster but not sure when to add it
Looks like nitrogen deficiency to me. Do you feed them (besides relying on your neighbor's chickens)?


Active Member
While it might be some nutrient disorder, I would assume your girl is just getting rid of a few leaves here and there ;) You'll notice near the end of a plants life the colors will change, and some foliage may (probably will) suffer. If you havent changed your regimen and this is happening, I wouldnt worry.

Just keep an eye on things, you should be able to tell if its a problem if it starts to spread real bad. If its just a gradual loss/yellowing, probably just your lady trying to tell you its nearly time.


Active Member
While it might be some nutrient disorder, I would assume your girl is just getting rid of a few leaves here and there ;) You'll notice near the end of a plants life the colors will change, and some foliage may (probably will) suffer. If you havent changed your regimen and this is happening, I wouldnt worry.

Just keep an eye on things, you should be able to tell if its a problem if it starts to spread real bad. If its just a gradual loss/yellowing, probably just your lady trying to tell you its nearly time.


Active Member
Thanks og...I will definitely keep an eye on her...does she look healthy other than that...only the second girl I ever had lost my first one to moldand I'm thinking about giving her bloombooster but not sure when


Well-Known Member
thinking about giving her some Bloom booster but not sure when to add it
I've never grown outdoor. I don't think I'd use a high PK booster at this stage of development. If it were me, not knowing much about outdoor growing, I'd get some Alaska Fish and AK Morbloom and AK Kelp at Home Depot. Feed all three. AK Fish is mostly N. Morbloom is mostly PK. Kelp has micro nutes which you probably don't need in outdoor soil(?).

You can get N to the plant fast by foliar feeding household ammonia at 6Tbsp/quart. Do it early morning before strong sunlight so droplets don't magnify light and burn leaves. Do it 2-4 days. Stop if you see the N toxicity "claw." Won't fix the yellow leaves but will stop it.