Yellow New Growth in early early Flowering


Active Member
First Issue:
I'm not able to post pics, but one of my younger clones is sprouting very yellow new growth along with the pistils (it's a few weeks into the flowering cycle). I've tried MG, and I feed regularly, in fact, I just backed off my mix so I wouldn't keep burning everyone else. I flowered it though it was still pretty small; maybe I stressed it out?

Second Issue:
I have another clone about 4 weeks into flowering cycle and the big beautiful fan leaves are turning yellow. There is a minimal aphid problem, but I'm controlling it. Again, I tried MG and am feeding. I had fan leaves on my full-flower plant go yellow, but it was much later in the cycle, and I understand this is normal. My little 4 week flowering girl seems to be jumping the gun.

In my grow room, heat is tricky to control (it's my laundry room). I keep it around 85 easily, and since lights come on at night, it'll drop down into the high 70's from time to time. Humidity goes way up when I have to run the dryer.

Any ideas on both or either issue?

Cheerio, mates, thanks for the help in advance.


Well-Known Member
sometimes flowering to early is not good , the plant has to be in a veg stage to grow the system it needs to be ready to flower.........if you saw preflowers then you should be good to go......clones from a flowering female can be induced to flower faster then clones from the veg stage............i have a 90 average temp. iput an exhaust fan because sometimes you need co2 in the oxygen suck in new air in the grow room


Active Member
Thanks Leo; hmmmmmmm.... I suspect I flowered the little one too soon so I'll be cautious of that in the future. Regarding CO2...I'll have to figure out how to make that happen for them. Maybe I can hang out in there more and just breathe alot. :)