yellow plant..


New Member
What would cause my whole crop every plant every leaf to go bright yellow and start going brown and crispy from top down.
im in coco in baskets in bubbler.
Ph ok.
Use vita nutes mixed as should be. ???.
Any ideas. Plz.


Well-Known Member
not enough nitrogen man, but once they are yellow they cannot go back to green. the plant will not fix itself and cannot take up sunlight when yellow. you will have a very diminished yeild.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen deficiencies will start at the bottom and go up so that does not sound right. Post a pic if you can.


New Member
My ph was ok they had plenty of water tried the more b nute then as it was creeping down the plant I put in just ph'd water.


Well-Known Member
The yellow light from your HPS really isn't helping my bad eyes see the plants, lol. Can you snap a pick in a daylight spectrum?

Other than that, if it's starting from the top down, it could be a nutrient lock-out. Seems in my plants deficiencies will start at the bottom, lock-outs will start at the top.

Or you might just not be feeding them anything at all and they are dying all over at once? I dunno, you really didn't provide much information to help us figure it out...

But if it's every single plant, then it's something in the environment every plant is getting at the same time. It's either too much heat, or your water, there aren't many other variables that would affect an entire crop at the same time in the same way.

Have you checked your EC of your res? How many ml/gal of nutes are you using? Have you flushed your coco at all during the grow?

Lots of variables... start with the water.


New Member
I was slowly increasing my nutes I got to 1.5mil per litre when I started to notice the yellow from the top so was only 1.5 I increased then it got worse so I assumed nitrogen deficiency so jist increased b nute.
im currently on plain water to try stabalise what ever it is.
I also added a little dutch pro explode 4 weeks in dont know if that's upset proceedings at all.


Well-Known Member
1.5ml per liter is only 5.7ml per gallon.

I'm not sure what nutes you are using or what the ratios are, but for a hydro set-up, that's pretty damn low. I would say you starved them to death if anything.

When in doubt, go by the bottle.


New Member
I wouldn't say starved im not a complete idiot.
I should have explained its my 4th go with this strain and it is very very temperamental with the nutes and steady away was the key.
more and more i think about it I think ive jumped the gun with the bloom enhancer.