Yellow seedlings


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i know this might be kinda useless without pictures, but i thought it might be worth a shot. I germ'd some seeds and they went into the ground on 4/18.

One is going alright, still on its first leaf set (2 jagged leaves with 2 rounder leaves). The 2 rounder leaves are slightly yellow, but the other jagged ones are green. Other than that i see no problem with this one.

the second one has two mini jagged leaves with a deformed round one and a normal round one....much smaller than the other one.

These are both bag seed. They are under 6 26w cfl's (4daylight,2soft white).

I used some cheap organic wallmart seedling soil.

no nutes or anything. been on a 3-day watering system, or when it dries a couple inches down.

Are the yellow leaves on the first one normal? and why is my 2nd one so stunted? let me know. thanks


Well-Known Member
As long as you are seeing jagged leaves on both plants, they are fine. The round leaves (cotyledons) are no longer needed at this point, and the plant will draw out the remaining nutrients from them before discarding them.

As for why one of them is deformed, this happens sometimes during the traumatic process of pushing through the soil and disposing of the seed casing. Keep an eye on it, but it should be okay by now.


Well-Known Member
yah it seems fine, just a bit stunted, i thought i would just ride it out but i got nervous so just asked, thanks and ill keep u updated :).