Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

I understand that, but I'm just feeding molasses not only due to a comment that was madeearlier, but alsl because of reading that it makes quality of bud better. i think its PH fluctuation because I tested the runoff twice once before a flush that I did prior to seeing these spots and once after seeing the spots and after the flush. Prior to the flush, the water runoff seemed to be getting more acidic as compared to the original PH of the water. While after the flush the water runoff seems to have a raised PH compared to the original water PH.
Never thought I'd say this, but thanks Punk.
The whole point to feeding a plant is to get it right early on and don't change that much. Plants are pretty sensitive to today's ferts. The purpose to molasses is that it is a sugar that feeds bacteria in the soil. If you're using synthetic fert, there is no point in using molasses as there is no bacteria to speak of in the soil. The fluctuating pH issue has everything to do with growers loading the soil with fert, particularly high P fert. Remember, phosphoric acid is used as pH down. But people focus on pH too much anyway.