Yellow Spots on Leaves


Active Member
Hello all,

I just noticed yesterday and today that my most productive plant has a few yellow spots on some of the leaves, just this one plant. I'm pretty sure it's just some nute burn, but I thought I'd post anyways to be on the safe side. What do you guys think it could be? I don't think its a pest problem because it's only on this one plant. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Did you happen to spill nutes while watering? Or spill water?

They actually look nice with a few isolated spots


Active Member
Ya that totally could've been it...they're a little too bushy now so I spill on the leaves sometimes when I'm watering them. Thanks for the quick reply! Do you think I should start flowering soon? I think I will within this next week...take a look at my sig for the full pics if you'd like.