Yellow spots


Well-Known Member
1 of 5 of my plants started to get yellow spots. Only on some leaves.

The plant is about 60 days old and in second week of flower.

Yesterday (Sat) they only had water. (Wed) they had water and Foxfarm bloom mix.

The mix was in water ppm 145:
Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) 10mL/gal
Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7) 15mL/gal
Open Sesame (4-45-19) 2mL/gal

Distance to 400w lamp is 7" but there is a glass and I have a fan blowing the air between the light and plants.

Any body have an idea whats going on with this one. 4 other plant are fine. Only this one has a problem.



Well-Known Member
ermm i dont know much about this stuff but ill try help abit.

the one plant that has a yellow spot, jsut 1 yellow spot or all the leafs like that?

is the plant right underneath the hps?

it could be that ur over nuting ur plant. if i was u and didnt get any better information from any1 then i would just continue watering that 1 plant with water for abit.

whats the ph in the pots?

how big is the fan?



Well-Known Member
Seems like every problem i read about in this site is .... a NUTE problem . Seems we should strafe away from the nutes or is it jus a guess most ppl have ? Could the yellowing be from something else ? Seems nute help a plant , but also can be the down fall . To use Nute or not to use Nutes ? that is my question Thx all for the great info you post . Most helps alot of it is jus same ol problems with tons of diffrent answers


Well-Known Member
that seems to be the biggest problem with noobies ( no offence) they dont research before they use them. need to know how they work and why and when and what is in them. micro elements and macro.

i have a huge library of info about how to properly use different brands of nutes i am working on and will be posting on this site. it seems that most people think that nutes are the problem solver instead they are the problem usualy. they grow just fine with plain old water untill you know more about when where how and why to use nutes.


Well-Known Member
I dought it's a nut problem all 5 plants get the same thing.

It was in the center under the hps I moved two days ago it's on the edge now.

I was thinking some heat issue or light stress.

I keep the 400w hps about 7" from the tops, it does not burn my hand until I touch the glass.


Well-Known Member
Got the same kinda problem with my plants !! and whole leaves turning yellow !!

I'm growing mine in my back garden during the day and in my shed at night (12hrs light & 12 darkness.

Someone please help us.
I think your are a different problem. My leaves only have some spots on a few leaves. Plus only 1 of 5 of mine are having any trouble.

You may get better help if you start a tread. Some people that could help you may have looked at this thread and desided they can't help. Some of those people may not look at this thread again. They won't ever see your question. I don't care if you piggy back on, some others do.


Well-Known Member
I dought it's a nut problem all 5 plants get the same thing.

It was in the center under the hps I moved two days ago it's on the edge now.

I was thinking some heat issue or light stress.

I keep the 400w hps about 7" from the tops, it does not burn my hand until I touch the glass.

no offence. but if your so sure why ask. or do you just want someone to agree with your idea


Well-Known Member
no offence. but if your so sure why ask. or do you just want someone to agree with your idea

I'm not sure, all the plant problem pic on this site and in my book don't show any like my plant. The only thing close is heat stress. So I'm asking if any one can confirm. It's the only one of five having any problems.

All 5 are the same age about the same height 32" and two weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
ok lets back. your nute and water schedule. how often do you feed nutes and how often water. what soil. are you sure your ppm is 145 or does it read ec on the display. the mix you have posted seems strong to have that low of a ppm. do you have a ph tester because that is usualy the problem when adding nutes it will lower causing lock up.
also does your hood draw air through it?
just because it only happened to one plant dosen`t exclude nutes they may not be drinking the same and you must let it dry up between waterings.


Well-Known Member
Last week they got

The mix was in water ppm 145:
Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) 10mL/gal
Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7) 15mL/gal
Open Sesame (4-45-19) 2mL/gal

sat water only


The mix was in water ppm 145:
Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) 10mL/gal
Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7) 15mL/gal
Open Sesame (4-45-19) 2mL/gal

the ppm of 145 was the water at the start.

soil is 2/3 ProMix 1/3 Perelite

all 5's soil is between 6.5 and 6.8 ph.

This plant is my oldest by a week or so. It may be a deficiency of something. It just doesn't look like the examples I've found.


Well-Known Member
Quick update, The plant is stable no mose yellowing but the current yellow is staying the same. Less than 10% of the plant is effected. I'm checking my records and may have a clue. I'll post an update as soon as I sure.


Well-Known Member
your ppm is 145 before you add nutes ? it should read 0. so you need to adjust before you add nutes then agsin after nutes and adjust. or mabee i`m not understanding you when you say the water was 145 at the start.


Well-Known Member
ok then. what is your ph of your nute mix. that ph of your soil6.5 to 6.8 is that the run off or did you just test a hand full of soil?