YELLOW spotting / BURNS on leaves? HELP so I can SAVE them


Active Member
YELLOW spotting / BURNS on leaves? HELP so I can SAVE them

JUst need replies with what this is from expert growers and give me orders on how to fix this shitt!

so i can just do as instructed without time to keep trying to find out what this probelm is and trial and erroring allowing me to fuck them up seriously...

so simply guys im saying, just instruct me ASAP>

wanting to hear from all, even if its just to confirm what anothr replyer says to give me confidence in given advice..

please help

thanks community in adavance..........preciate it.........



Active Member
oh MY BAD.... lol guess i didnt supply enough

okay two HPS 150wat each big dome type outdoor flood light types.... so 300 watt total.
bathroom closet grow. lights supported on a wire shelf plants below...

soil.... started with some cheap shit, like 2 bux a bag from walmart.... then when i replannted to the final pots the black 2 gallon or so sized plastic pots u see everyone using in high times n shit....

as they grew i later i used some time release pellet shitt for fert..... some basic shit that was good for any pplants, nothing fancy. added the appropriate amounts to the soil... i think i used this because i knew i used cheap ass dirt that didnt mention it contained fert... like the more expsnsive brands of potting soil....

anyway, i water with regular water from the sink..... i believe where i live in FL its well water? dunno if that makes any diffrence....sometimes theres a boil water notice but ive never done it.

ph no i dont know the ph, didnt know i had to truely monitor it but now that my shit is burning i guess i now see a need to do so, but then again, i dont know what to buy to test it and or what im looking for? i guessi remember somewhere that mj needs to be at a ph of 6 or so ? hell i dunno......

hmmm what else can i add ;) to be more elaborate? hmmm

there were 2 others growing at the same time as this one, which was a late bloomer, but the other two didnt get burned like this one? but i admit they are all females from good bag seed (my good luck) so why did this one burn? i dont know!

oh yea, i cut some of the slightly bad leaves off that were dead a few weeks ago, to give more light to the lower branches of buds and it seems like after that more yellow spots were formed almost double on the remaining leaves and been like that since....

i did flush with two gallons of bottled milk jug water (distilled) draining out all excess about a week and a half ago, but i dunno if theres any improvement or if that was the ultimate solution to this situation? maybe not? if its a PH issue then, right? flushing wont resolve Ph issues will it?

HEEELP. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
oh MY BAD.... lol guess i didnt supply enough

okay two HPS 150wat each big dome type outdoor flood light types.... so 300 watt total.
bathroom closet grow. lights supported on a wire shelf plants below...

soil.... started with some cheap shit, like 2 bux a bag from walmart.... then when i replannted to the final pots the black 2 gallon or so sized plastic pots u see everyone using in high times n shit....

as they grew i later i used some time release pellet shitt for fert..... some basic shit that was good for any pplants, nothing fancy. added the appropriate amounts to the soil... i think i used this because i knew i used cheap ass dirt that didnt mention it contained fert... like the more expsnsive brands of potting soil....

anyway, i water with regular water from the sink..... i believe where i live in FL its well water? dunno if that makes any diffrence....sometimes theres a boil water notice but ive never done it.

ph no i dont know the ph, didnt know i had to truely monitor it but now that my shit is burning i guess i now see a need to do so, but then again, i dont know what to buy to test it and or what im looking for? i guessi remember somewhere that mj needs to be at a ph of 6 or so ? hell i dunno......

hmmm what else can i add ;) to be more elaborate? hmmm

there were 2 others growing at the same time as this one, which was a late bloomer, but the other two didnt get burned like this one? but i admit they are all females from good bag seed (my good luck) so why did this one burn? i dont know!

oh yea, i cut some of the slightly bad leaves off that were dead a few weeks ago, to give more light to the lower branches of buds and it seems like after that more yellow spots were formed almost double on the remaining leaves and been like that since....

i did flush with two gallons of bottled milk jug water (distilled) draining out all excess about a week and a half ago, but i dunno if theres any improvement or if that was the ultimate solution to this situation? maybe not? if its a PH issue then, right? flushing wont resolve Ph issues will it?

HEEELP. thanks guys
You can get a ph meter at walmart for 6 bucks. I would scrap of that slow release pellets, and flush your soil. Run 3 times the amount of water through your plant.


Well-Known Member
well marijuana is a sturdy plant and it can withstand abuse, but with some TLC it can be come a piece of art. In your situation u went cheep. To do it proper. you should get yourself a 250-400 w HID lamp for 100-250.. a tent, a few fans. some decent soil, not miracle grow. nothing with miracle grow brand. get a bag of dirt thats going to cost you 10-20$, go organic, using distilled water is the best but it can get expensive, besides u need to add cal-mag which u order off the web. it a grow shop is not near u. and some organic nutrients.. They sell them in series like base, grow, bloom all with different NPK ratios, the grows generally have more nitrogen, and the blooms generally have more phosphorus. Try and find a 2 part series w/ just a grow and a bloom, just one with a lot of micronutes, high nitrogen for your veg stage and high phosphorus for your flower stage.. Now owning these $10-$20 bottles of nutes is one thing, using them properly is another, u dont need much if any, especially if you have good soil, but u will always need cal mag if your using distilled or R/O(reverse osmosis) water. It helps a lot to do it right from the beginning. ive messed things up 2-3-4-5 weeks into veg and either just flowered as is or started with new seeds in new soil with more controls on the water.

it looks like your having a calcium deficiency which is going to throw everything else off until you correct it. But what do i know im just learning, but ive been reading and growing for 4 years or so and have grown hundreds of plants and killed 95% so far, the harvest of many females is soon to come after lots of hard work, time, and most of all money spent. about $3500 total... But i see that as cheep as its not hard to go upwards of 5-10-20k $ on a set up. Cheep stuff gives cheep results..

A few other things your contending with, its florida and penalties were just upped.. so u get caught ur doing some time in jail.. get a good lawyer... next its very humid, you need cool air and dry air so maybe a plug in AC unit, check the humidity, if still no good, then, check the humidity with a proper thermometer u get at walmart for 8$.

Ph should be around 5.8-6.5 for water entering soil but its more important to base the ph of your water of the ph of the run off.


Well-Known Member
wow alot of rookie mistakes,but better to learn now,theirs a cheap way and a cheap way,your cheap way is the wrong one,you need proper soil,and never use those time release,as well your well water may be high in iron and other stuff,ive used well water before some good some really bad.for the first year i just used ph strips from a fish store,if you want i would flush the hell out of it and transplant into a step larger pot with good soil,let the roots grow into that minus the time release nutes and get some shultz or peters or some decent low end ferts if you dont want the high end stuff and make sure you have fresh air comeing in and old air going out.