Yellow Tips and Brown spots on my Super Lemon Haze. (with pics) Please help.

Hello my fellow growers. First of all thank you so much for stopping by my thread to lend some friendly advice and I truly appreciate it. I'll try to give you as much information as possible about the environment and let me know if you have any questions. I plan on posting as many pictures as possible to help diagnose the issue as well.

A little about the environment
I'm growing in an XXL grow tent
400W HPS (Day 2 of flowering)
Light cycle 12 / 12
temperature between 70-78 degrees
humidity between 40% - 47%
Currently on day 2 of flowering
Fox farm nutrients - current solution is 6 tsps per gallon of Big Bloom (.01 -.3 -.7)
Soil is Miracle Gro's Organic Choice Soil. I know, I know, time released fertilizer and all but the organic choice didn't seem too bad.
Strain - Super Lemon Haze

1.) I'm noticing yellowing tips near the bottom that curl upward. It seems to be worse towards the bottom and middle of the plant and not as noticeable near the top.
2.) I'm also having very noticeable brown or rust colored spots that also appear near the bottom and middle of the plant.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Now... Here is my beautiful baby. Her name is Victoria and I love her. HAHAHA. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Same issue here and have been told its a calcium decency. Cal-Mag should fix it, if that's your problem.
Same issue here and have been told its a calcium decency. Cal-Mag should fix it, if that's your problem.
I actually have cal-mag sitting in my closet. I was thinking it could be a Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn so I was worried to give it more nutes. How can you tell the difference between the two?


Well-Known Member
Well, those bottom leaves where the worst. Here are a couple pics I just took of the rest of the plant. There all on their way to looking like that....

This problem is getting much worse. I would say the yellow tips go up 75% of the plant now and the brown spots are all over the place now and really big. The brown spots go up the plant about 50% of the way and about the size of a dime. If it is a nutrient deficiency, I'm going to use fox farm grow big (6 -4 -4) at 2 tsps per gallon to give it a Nitrogen boost with cal-mag (2 -0 -0) at 1tsp a gallon. I'm still a little worried that this is nutrient burn though and that increasing the nutrients will push my girl to its imminent death. The last time I fed the plant was pure water but it was only getting 6 tsps of foxfarm Big Bloom (.01 -.3 -.7) before that. Now I will be going up to 6tsps of foxfarm big bloom, 2tsps of grow big, and 1 tsp of cal-mag. I would love to get everyone's opinions on this choice. Thanks again to Dreamy for all the advice so far. Much love brother. :clap:. Starting to get a little worried that I won't make it to the end of my first grow.
I tried the cal mag a few days ago and have not seen any improvements at all. If anything it has gotten worse. Two of the lower fan leaves have fallen off. The leaves that fell off showed the same symptoms as the newer growth on the plant. I included pictures of the growing problem as well as some of the grow tent that they are in. Could definitely use some help, I really don't want to lose my girl.


For your next grow just keep flushing the plant with pure water, and make sure the water is PH tested to around 5.7 - 6.3. If you have it too high, which it most likely was it will make the plant get dry and normally yellow crispy tips.


Active Member
I know this is a super old thread but it is phosphorus deficiency or over-watering. I grow super lemon haze and I know it is very sensitive to it's watering, you pretty much need to let the soil get fully dry everytime before water.