Yellow tips on leaves


For a few days there's been yellow tips on leaves. After translpant she exploded in growth (a week ago), but last days came up those yellow tips.

Maybe soil has too much nutrient, but shes old enough to take those basic nutes from soil. And i only use water.
Or maybe it's something else.

Temperatures are normal, so is air flow.


Thanks for any help or advice ! :D
I don't have english description on soil bag, but i can write some info:

- 60% humus peat
- 30% humus
- 10% perlit

pH = 5-6

200 - 500 mg/l N
200 - 500 mg/l P
300 - 1000 mg/l K
100 - 200 mg/l MgO

And tapped water is around 6-8 pH. I never had problems with water, just laying additional info.
It may be a Calcium deficiency...? If the yellowing is showing up on the new growth that can be a indicator...