yellowing and brown spotsspots


Well-Known Member
I got bad yellowing and brown spots with the leaves dieing, also some purple to the stem.. wondering if its cause i ran out of scilia blast and if thats causing this???
Mag Def for those spots I think and you got some claw leaf going. That with the purple stems might indicate N tox. I'd foliar feed Epsom salt mix with water to see if that corrects it and cut back on your N.

And I'd get a second opinion other ThaN my own


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do a dam thing. Your plants look good to me. Often during a grow I'll get yellow spots etc and I just ignore it and the Bud is always the best. You want a 2nd opinion you just got one.


Well-Known Member
Well i add cal/mag an it started to clear up, as for the purpling i think its the lack of it and nothing to do with N, i personal think its underfed..