yellowing and burning on bottom leaves??


plants are about 2 months old now....a week ago started to yellow slightly on the bottom....nutes were given 8-4-4 twice a week (diluted 1/4) results...only problem is the water bottle with nutes was accidently given to not sure if there is still a deficiency or if it has now turned into a chemical burn?? HELP!



Well-Known Member
Burn, flush with water and feed with water for the next two times then start over with nutes


Well-Known Member
looks kinda like a nitrogen deficiency to me, and the tips aren't burnt it's the first part to dry out when the leaf is dying. your ph may be too high to absorb the nutes... I'm kinda through shit in the air, If you flush and it gets worse than i was right.

exodus mission

Well-Known Member
the tips on the healthy leaves looks burnt flush first. then go again make sure ec levels are gd then check ph levels are correct,,,


i checked the ph its at 7 so that cant be the problem. they got small doses of nutes and have slowly gotten worse so it will need a flush... i'm just scared to...not exactly sure how to do it and dont want to kill the plants. any tips??

exodus mission

Well-Known Member
how to flush? feed just water for two days some people ph the water i dont but thats up to you then start again.....+rep
also what ppm are you feeding might be too high give em minimals then build them up also ur ph is a little high hope this helps let us know......


Well-Known Member
You're not in that bad of shape. In soil I'd just flush with 6.5 ph water for a few days. Looks to me like the beginnings of nute burn. If your nutes were way too hot, more of the plant would be yellow. Especially at the tips of the relatively new growth. Flush, back off for a week or two, then hit it with more h2o and nutes. You'll be a-ok. Hope this helps.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
If you flush for two days you will drown a lot of roots. Just feed the plant 3-5 times it's pot amount in water and let it dry as normal. Flush it again after it dries if you think it's still too concentrated or it keeps burning.


thanks for all your help guys! i also had a gnat problem earlier (if u notice in the pics i tried to cover the soil with paper to try to kill them off)....i thought they were slowly dying off until recently there seems to be a now i'm thinking that this whole problem could be from the gnats and possibly messing with the root system!?!?!!? ahhh so today i will get some neem oil and hopefully this will solve the problem quickly b/c the older plants are starting to bud!!! i'll keep u guys posted and let u know how it goes!