Yellowing and dying leafs.


Growing indoor, watering every other day( dries up fast), temps are around the 30's(centigrade), around 50-60 Rh, under cfls, in earth, during veg, about a month old, going for bonsai mothers so they are in 300 ml pots ATM.
The problem started before SWIM added nutes so he added nutes to try and fix but was told to flush with 3x the volume of pots for 3 days and then add nutes. That was done and SWIM sees no noticeable changes.



Well-Known Member
This my friend could be from an array of problems. It looks like your container is rather small. And watering every other day surely will wash the nutrients out. Rule of thumb is to have at least one gallon fo soil per month the plant will be in the pot. So my friend your are over due. Go ahead and transplant into a bigger pot. Dont soak the roots took much. Doing this will cause the soil to mush together and get tough like concrete. not allowing the roots to penetrate the soil and grow. Also check the temperature of your cfl's traditionally they shoudl be low, but if too close they can burn precious foilage. Also if you have a fan blowing directly on it you may have a case of windburn. Always keep en eye out for pest. Aphids and spidermites could also cause this yellow discoloration....IMO soil is out of juice and you have nutrient defficiency. Transplant to a bigger pot with more nutrients and within a few days you should see a full recovery! I hope this helps!



Well-Known Member
Not sure my friend. Marijuana was never intended to be bonsai size. You can train it toperary style wich will allow the plant to start relativly short but extremely wide branched and bushy. Sorry my friend ive alwasy gone for size and weight in a plant. looks like your going the opposite.



Well-Known Member
when old leaves die, it's usually is a nitrogen deficiency or it could be your soil ph is too high for your plant to absord the nutes.