yellowing bottom leaves and wilting leaves


Well-Known Member
my grow journal has the complete story, please check it out
the sum-up is one of my plants bent in the middle of the stem 90 degrees to the side cuz i placed a light 2 close to it on the side, i straitened the stem out by using a homemade wire sling, now its supporting itself, top growth has stopped but looks pretty healthy but the bottom sets of leaves are all wilting and i had to remove 4 sets of leaves that had yellowed and had some brown splotches and was dry. i watered with a lil water (100ml) just now with h2o2 and if it looks happier ill water more and if not ill water tomorow or day after but id like to hear some input
here are some pics i took a couple hours ago
tell me what details you would like to know if i havent explained it or its not in my journal
thanks guys :weed:



Well-Known Member
What nute are you using? Could be deficiency. N will cause leaves to turn yellow. I had a clone like this a couple weeks ago and I couldnt figure out if it was nute burn or nute deficiency. So I decided to bump up the PPM and the top started growing agian and the yellow leaves are turning greener every day.


Active Member
On my First Grow near the stem i got it in the 90's as well seems to be the same problem with the heat.. Maybe Get some more fans cool the Stem off. Maybe thats wha i did seem to do fine. I changed the water too the same as you came out pretty decent.. So let me kno wha happens:weed:


Active Member
Could be over watering, my friend had some just like that and it was from watering too much and inconsistantlly. Since you flushed it that probably made it worse. The plant is going through stress so let it dry out for a like 3 days then get back on a scedule, once you do that, the stress will go away and the leaves'll stop falling off. He keeps his room aound 80 degrees and waters with ph balanced water on saturdays and nutrient solution (high in nitrogen) on tuesdays until a few drops drip from the bottom of the pot and they are doing fine.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys for all the answers,i took a chance and watered with a cup of h2o2 water then 20 mins later with 1/2 nutes and again this morning gave some more water, both my plants perked up rele nice!!! i thought it was over watering and i guess i waited 2 long 2 water again, and lamamonster, i meant the my stem had bent sideways at a 90 degee angle my temps are fine and i have a fan blowing on my plants and they have some nice thick stems
im using GH flora nova grow
on one of my plants i have some brown splotches on 2 more sets of fan leaves, iv already removed 4 sets of leaves should i remove these as well...take a look @ the pics


Well-Known Member
any guesses on the brown splotches??
its working its way up the leaves so im probly ganna cut em tomorow
ill take some pics again after lights on
please give some input


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics, the browning isnt spreading off those leaves so for now im not going to cut em...or is it better to cut off bad leaves??
also i think my babies are showing there sex...i think shes a girl...take a look and tell me wat ya think


Well-Known Member
ok so the update, my plants are doing quite well, iv got tones of new undergrowth coming out but its coming out really slow cuz the bigger leaves that where the first few to come out are now shading the younger leaves quite a bit, my plant isnt that big length wise but is quite the little bush, should i cut the bigger leaves off so light can get at the undergrowth or leave it be??


Well-Known Member
here are 2 pics
you can see in the second pic after i lifted up the leaf there is some really nice healthy growth coming out but that leaf and a most of the other original leaves that grew with purple stems are more droopy and compared to the new growth, all green and healthy and strong
iv searched the forums but didnt find to much dealing with this that had a good explanation

