Yellowing & Burnt Leaves - WHATS THE PROBLEM?


Active Member
I have a few plants that are having issues. They are watered 3 times a day for 10 minutes each. They are placed on top of clay rocks. I am using GH Nutes and the correct proportions are used. I have the water on a continuous air stone and the temperature is 75-82 but usually about 80. This one time I have had problems and cannot figure out what is wrong.

New growth comes but then it starts to yellow and then the tips get burnt up and some of the leaves die. I cut them away but it happens again. Whats the problem? Check out my pics I'm lost!!!



Active Member
Here is the setup:

Two Trays
4 Oscilating Fans
Air Stones 24 hours a day
Pumps water 3 times a day for 10 minutes each
GH Nutes (Micro, Grow, Bloom, Diamond Nectar & Liquid Kharma)
Water comes from a RO
2 1000's per Tray
At night there is only one oscillating fan that goes on in the room. The other tray I have is perfectly fine and very very nice. This one however is being really weird. I've also been foliar feeding twice a week on this tray in order to help the roots because I thought it might be saltlock. Any thoughts on what this actually is?


Well-Known Member
too much ferterlizer cut back to 1/2 after you flush it for a day or two with distilled water correctly ph ed then come up on the nutes slowly till your to 3/4 strength
mine did the exact same thing lost a few any how no more foliar feeding just mist with distilled water


Active Member
Awesome I'm going to do this right now. Also what is the optimal PH that I should use for these. I have been using 6.1 as a optimal point.

A M Spliff

Active Member
My advice would be to go DWC, next time, also let your plants veg for a while longer, as well.
Get "RapidRooters " in lue of "Rockwool"... If height is an issue then tie your plants down to control the height.

your plants look over fertilized to me ... the root system doesn't look established enough to handle a nute regiment over 600ppm

Flush them with 3x the amount of your container size.
Example : if you have them in a 5 gallon bucket, flush with 15 gallons of water.


New Member
your plants have too much salt fromt he fertilizer causing nutrient lock up , id use only water for the next week . fist u need to flush them out, go to the tub and run water on them for about 30 seconds each evry 2 days for a week, then go to 400 ppm bloom fertilizer and flush them out once a week. to check ph in rockwool all u need to do is squeeze water out of bottom of rockwool into a cup and check ph then ull b able to tell what the ph is