Yellowing during flowering rescue? help? pics...


Active Member
Hey everyone, I have a rescued plant on my hands... meaning a friend of mine gave me his neglected plant due to problems on the home front... this thing is beaten up pretty badly... or at least shes' had a poor history. ( when I got him he had an

incandescent light on it, but it was outdoors most of his life and was budding when I got her, I've had her for about a week or so...

eitherway there are now yellowing fan leaves and I have no idea how much longer till I need to chop her down... I'm worried about the yelllowing if nothing else...

#1) why the yellowing should I be concerned? if so, how do I fix it? any advice?

#2) any guestimates on when to pull her down?
i've never harvested before I only have a couple small guys doing well in veg... so I'm clueless on this part and its kind of unexpected...

anyways pics...



Well-Known Member
looks fine to me bra. really need to check the trichs with a scope to see when she is done-maybe 2 weeks or so. may want to flush in the final week. good luck


Well-Known Member
The large fan leaves normally turn yellow during the final weeks of flowering. This is due to the plant using up all of its stored nutes from the roots, soil and fan leaves. No need to worry, its normal. What you need to do is get some sort of scope to check the trics. There is a ton of info in the FAQ section about harvesting.


Active Member
yeah unfortunately I dont have a scope at the moment so I can't really just check the trichs, while its unprofessional and kind of guesswork I guess I'll just watch for the pistil color change majority and then go from there... right now I'd say I'm about ... 50-50 white to amber pistil atm I'll wait around a week I guess before choppin her down

Thanks for the info, any additional stuff feel free to comment
( it wont need a flush it hasnt been on nutes )


Well-Known Member
ok than, even though radioshack sells the scopes for around $10.00 and will make all the difference, here is what to look for:
-obviously continued yellowing of the fan leaves
-instead of looking at the pistol changing colors, look for the formation of new flowers-on the tips and surround upper edges of the bud sites, to slow-meaning like one or two max per budsite
-look for the pods from which the pistols grow to swell up a bit after hairs turn red
-dependent on strain, look for the small petiole leaves around the top of the plant to curl its outside edges up a small bit-should be barely noticable. also on the same leaves, look for the underside to start turning a reddish purple
-go get some black strap unsulphered molasses and couple gallons of distilled ph water from your local food center. mix 1-2 tablespoons molasses to 1 gallon of water and feed/flush her 2 times-enough apart to where the top couple inches or so of soil is dry

very simple-follow and you will be rewarded. all IMHO of course.


Well-Known Member
I'm being a bad RIUer by only skimming but yea, yellow leaves during flowering is NP. Also, as far as the microscope, bring $11 bux to radio shack and buy one. It'll pay off in the long run. You can do some cool shit.

Example: Harvest an heavily indica plant while its trichs are cloudy. This will result in a strain that gives you a body high with THC which is more cerebral. In my experience this creates a "creeper-high" but nobody's studied that shit. Anyways, it's worth it : )