Yellowing.. have tried everything

Sup guys, I'm 8 weeks into flower. I will be starting my 2 week flush tomorrow, now theres one big problem I've run into. For some reason I CAN NOT get my plants to stop yellowing, I've tried everything. I'm very familiar with NPK and micro nutrients so I'm fairly certain it's not a deficiency (I use Cyco products and MOAB instead of swell). Now here's a weird one, I have ants but no signs of any other bugs. They seem to be coming from a crack in the garage that's VERY deep. Plugging it is out of the question, until I get through this flower. I don't think its root aphids since I haven't seen ANYTHING, although I did see one of those weird ear bugs, I don't know what else to call them they look like they have pinchers. Could be those? Only seen 1 though.... I'm rambling.. To the pictures! It gets anywhere from 80-85 degrees max and I have Co2 with electronic regulator... still too hot? Lights are damn close but it's just started to yellow this bad today, this was after a heavy flush let them dry for a day and a half then nute water... They were still yellowing after flush, then got even worse after I put nutes in this next time. Like really... I flush after each water.



Well-Known Member
Keep giving them p/k boosters...that will help the yellowing.

Honestly,why people do this then complain about yellowing is a mystery for me.

They are going to yellow some at this late stage,its unavoidable.But you should be able to maintain green healthy leaves all through flowering IF you feed a reasonable NPK.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a myth. There is nothing to flush. It not like your nutrient solution goes straight into the plant. Those nutrients are broken down as used.

When you flush there is nothing for it to live on. What does the plant do? It cannibalizes itself. It does that at the crucial time of putting on weight.

You want a smooth smoke. Its all in the drying and curing.
Flushing is a myth. There is nothing to flush. It not like your nutrient solution goes straight into the plant. Those nutrients are broken down as used.

When you flush there is nothing for it to live on. What does the plant do? It cannibalizes itself. It does that at the crucial time of putting on weight.

You want a smooth smoke. Its all in the drying and curing.
You believe this even with soil? The last stuff I flushed when you smoke it, you wouldn't even cough.


Well-Known Member
You believe this even with soil? The last stuff I flushed when you smoke it, you wouldn't even cough.
Yes in soil I believe it is myth. There is no way to flush it. The plant literally grew from what you fed it. How do you flush that?

I would water only for the last couple waterings. Chop right before lights on. At night the starches are in the roots. Your terpenes and smell will be at the highest level at that time.

Slow dry. At least five days to dry. I understand in certain climates that may not be possible. Try to dry slow if capable. Then a good cure. Don't let it get too dry. Cure at least a month if not two.


Active Member
Oh & for ants u should try they ant kill traps,it's a little trap & appears really tasty to the ant & they take it from the trap back into the queen ant den/layer where eva queen is & it poisons the whole nest! Prob solved in couple days for sure! Had to use it myself & was amazed ✌


Well-Known Member
You flush after every water? Or you mean after every feeding of nutes? Or do you mean you water only then water with nutes then water only on a rotation like that?

In any case..... that probably means the plants arent getting enough nutes.... even if your maxing your nutes....

I used to water feed water feed...etc then i changed to water feed feed water. That rotation kept the plants nice and green till the very end...
What ec or ppm where feeding at for the last few weeks?
You may be nailing it, I watered at 1000ppm and got nervous about the amount of nitrogen.. so i cut down calmag to half dose and it's around 850 now. I really didn't want to list my nutes but here we go... I use dechlorinator, A+B, zyme, and silica from cyco. I use earth juice humic acid, H&G budxl, GH calimagic and microgro (in place of b1 from cyco) then I use moab (2 tsp per gallon)and shooting powder in a really low dose(half dose of what h&g says) then I add organic mollasses. Lots of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oh & for ants u should try they ant kill traps,it's a little trap & appears really tasty to the ant & they take it from the trap back into the queen ant den/layer where eva queen is & it poisons the whole nest! Prob solved in couple days for sure! Had to use it myself & was amazed ✌
in the US the stuff i like is Terro....
get it at walmart


Well-Known Member
If you are getting 1000ppm from all that you are maybe feeding at 1/4 strength? If I use a+b and gh micro at full strength it's around 1600-1700ppm. Definitely dump the molasses it is not usefulwhen feeding with salt based nutes.
Could my ppm meter need calibration? Almost everything in that is at full dose, shooting powder and calimagic are the only two with cut doses. As for cutting mollases that's one thing I will not do. I'm almost positive it's what gives me my nice looking thc and frost. I do not believe in artificial sweets for plants. Mollasses/sap comes from trees and goes into the ground and naturally sweetens plants growing in soil.
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