Yellowing is almost going into BUDS! White Widow and Blue Cheese!


So im at day 63 (approx 9 weeks) into flowering and I started my preharvest flush like 1.5 weeks ago. But the fan leaves have gotten really yellow and dying off alot. The thing Im scared of now is that the yellow have been affecting the sugar leaves too at the top Bud Sites. Do you think the plant will devour itself to keep the bud sites alive?

I have only been feeding them regular PH 6.5 water for the past 1.5 weeks.

The trichomes look 75% cloudy and 25% clear, no amber trichomes.

Should I harvest soon?



Well-Known Member
At this point I wouldn't worry to much, you'll be harvesting in another 7-10 days.

Your Buds look good man


Alright thanks guys. How will the buds do if it has eaten thru all of its fan leaves?

There are about 4-5 crippled brown leaves from each plant. Is that a sign of something?


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks guys. How will the buds do if it has eaten thru all of its fan leaves?

There are about 4-5 crippled brown leaves from each plant. Is that a sign of something?
She's at the end of flower. They make seeds, and die. Marijuana is an annual plant.


New Member
So you mean they will turn hermie if I harvest too late? Is that a bad thing so late in flowering?
Yes, it is a bad thing. When the plant calyx is fertilized it will invest energy into producing seeds, not THC and other vital cannabnonids needed for that nice high. If you allow your plant to flower too long it will produce male balls full of pollen that will infect your grow and take away vital energy from THC production into seed production.


Thanks guys, once the lights come on in like 30 minutes, ill post a pic of their current condition.


Well-Known Member
IMO- you don't need the 48hrs of darkness. It's just a myth. Harvest @15-20minutes after your plant wakes up. They'll be at there most aromatic at that time.

Good Luck on Your Grow.