Yellowing leaves with brown spots PICS


Hey all, my clones are about 1 month and 1 week old and have some yellowing leaves which i am unsure how to diagnose.
I am using Promix with CANNA Substra and a PH of 6.2 water with a low ppm of 45 on average(45 ppm before adding nutes of course).
I have been pretty much following the CANNA sites feeding schedule set on normal, but i make sure to check the parts per million of the solution to be sure i am not adding too much or too little.

The first, third, and fourth pics are of one plant and the second is of another-



is it just one strain yellowing up my white widow did that needs more calcium give its some cal-mag calcium and magnesium deficiency's usually go hand and hand it should clear up within couple days when it starts growing new green growth


On a few of the 6 plants

is it just one strain yellowing up my white widow did that needs more calcium give its some cal-mag calcium and magnesium deficiency's usually go hand and hand it should clear up within couple days when it starts growing new green growth


pretty sure its calcium cal-mag all the way man other signs of calcium deficiency is growning smaller leafs because it doesn't have the food/energy to produce nice big fan leafs main ingridients for marijuana npk need that calcium


Cool thanks man! I already have Cal+mag but was going to use it later on in early flower. Does anyone disagree with scooby?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Is one of those a shot of a fan that the plant was cloned with? I find that most clones loose the fans they were cloned with before they are done. On the other hand, my moms are in rock and are drip fed by a timer. When I see yellow I up the watering which gives them more nutes(a little different than soil, that's if you're not using MG). I cut my moms back deliberately between cloning periods otherwise I wouldn't have any room for me to get in there. For whatever reason, if this is happening to upper fans it is an indication that they are starving. Yellow leaves also indicate a loss of root mass.